Microsoft CRM USA Nationwide Remote Support

Remember old good days when your company probably had Great Plains Dynamics? If you are in San Francisco Bay Area you had local Great Plains Software partner consulting company, who served you basically coming onsite and charging you four hours minimum, even if the problem deserved 5-min fix? This was at the end of 20th century and remote support technologies were not very advanced Citrix was making good progress and taking market over from Symantec PCAnywhere. Today, when Microsoft Terminal Server and Citrix are remote support standards and IT department uses them to host application server for nation-wide and world-wide users, you should probably be thinking of getting remote support for your ERP and CRM systems. In this small article well take a look at Microsoft CRM remote support, customization, reporting, implementation and integration.

Why Microsoft CRM Remote Support? Microsoft CRM market niche is still narrow and MS CRM consulting companies do not have enough clientele in their respected locals markets: Houston, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York even in these hypermarkets. In order to survive Microsoft CRM VAR went to nationwide and even international markets to get clients base.

Technology-driven consulting companies. Microsoft CRM has web and MS Outlook clients and so by its nature it is web application. When you are considering hosting your web site you typically do not care where hosting company is located you consider price and quality. Microsoft CRM could be hosted with .Net hosting companies and implementation could be done remotely with web-session-based training.

Customization. Today, even if Microsoft Business Solutions has open technology Microsoft CRM SDK the complexity of the specific tasks (messaging through Lotus Notes Domino, generic MAPI, advanced MS CRM Exchange connector) requires precision programming, which should be outsourced to nationwide development centers. As our experience indicates clients are demanding the expertise, not just cheap generic developers. Whoever comes for the cheap price they usually get poor results.

Large Business ERP. Microsoft CRM proved its market strength and ability to automate large publicly traded corporation. It sits in Microsoft SQL Server and uses all the spectrum of Microsoft technologies: .Net, Active Directories, MS Exchange, Full-Text Search, Crystal Reports Enterprise. We are confident in Microsoft CRM ability to automate Aerospace & Defense, Pharmaceutical, Supply Chain Management, Medical & Hospitals, Distribution & Logistics, Oil & Gas, Wholesale & Retail, Education, Non-for-profit

Integration. Microsoft CRM has standard integration tool with Microsoft Great Plains, Navision and Axapta integrations are on the way. However you can integrate Microsoft CRM with heterogeneous databases, such as Oracle, DB2, Lotus Notes Domino, Sybase, Pervasive SQL or Ctree/Faircomm.

Web-Sessions and Skype training. Web Seminars are normal these days and you should be OK with the idea of remote web training. This will allow you to get the best expertise with moderate price.

You can always have us help you, give us a call: 1-630-961-5918 or 1-866-528-0577,

Andrew Karasev is consultant and CTO in Alba Spectrum Technologies ( ) Microsoft Business Solutions partner, serving clients in Illinois, New York, California, Florida, Georgia, Texas, Arizona, Virginia, Minnesota, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, Asia, Russia. He is Microsoft Great Plains certified master, Great Plains Dexterity, Microsoft CRM SDK C#.Net, Crystal Reports developer. You can reach Andrew:

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Break Up Recovery - What to Do If Your Ex Girlfriend-Boyfriend Was Genuine and Sincere

This is not a section most people happen to read. So if you are here, you have found someone special - one who loves you and cares for you. Now its time to try for a make up. In this situation it would be better you ask the question WHY? to yourself. It may be time for a self-discovery.

The greatest mistake is not MAKING A MISTAKE, but refraining from correcting it
Analyze yourself. It may be your concept, your principle, your behaviour, anything that ruined the relationship. Just take a break, and think the whole route through which your relationship has come. Discover where all he/she attempted desperately to make things work when you simply sat idle. Discover the situations when you took your ex for granted - just like another furniture or vegetable. If you really want your love back, you might have to make a few corrections to yourself too.

Realizing where all you went wrong:

It may be your lack of adjustment:

"Love is not putting in 50% from one side and the exact 50% from the other. Its just putting in 100% effort from both sides. But keep in mind - BOTH SIDES"

Im stressing on adjusting more than anything because that was the biggest mistake I made during my first love. I was a verrry stubborn guy who in fact was proud of it. When we are stubborn we never realize how much trouble and pain it causes to those around us. By the time we realize things, time would have already flown too much.

Identify the person as a human with his/her likes & dislikes. The simplest solution is to imagine yourself in your ex's shoes. And think of your ex girlfriend/boyfriend being tooo stubborn. How terrible you would feel? The biggest problem is that when we are being stubborn, we get soo blind that we even fail to realize that we are stubborn. No relationship on this planet is complete, perfect or even close. The factor that still makes relationships fruitful is adjustment.

It may be simply your ego & power play
Power play is when one person starts handling the situation, virtually leaving the other powerless. It can be either through physical domination, mental or emotional pressures. But when power play comes into relationships, there starts grumbling and discontent. Realizing your partners weakness, when you start tuning the relationship and its direction according to your likes / dislikes then we can say that you are using power play.

The remedy to this too is nothing but seeing the situation from the other persons perspective. You can understand how suffocated you would feel if your partner starts tuning things in his/her favor. A relationship is not a war. No situation can be controlled through power effectively and permanently. Temporary results may be obtained if you use power. But it wont last. I have read somewhere that Only world nations and children adopt power to control situations. Wise people never do that

It may be your attitude
No body is born with principles and concepts. They are acquired, cultivated and developed. Your principles may be valuable for you but not necessarily for others. Nazis had their racialist principles. Saddam Hussein had his despotic principles. Even Bin-Laden would have his own set of terrorist concepts. How many of these can we accept and admire? Very few. Why? Its just because we have a different set of principles and concepts. Admitting this fact is the key to the success of a relationship. No two people are made out of the same mould by god. No two are identical. So why are we being so stubborn that others should live by our principles and concepts?

Adjustment is the key. But it has a limit of course. For example if one person believes in spending his/her life for charity and the other is out there to conquer the whole rich and fame in the world, the partnership can never reach common grounds. Think which all areas you can adjust to reach a common ground. Maximize your adjustment now if your partner has already made his/her share of adjustment.

Remember one thing. Your principles at this moment may turn out to be things that you will laugh at when you look back sometime in the future. Never ruin relationships simply for blindly beholding your principles and concepts. Put them into a re-examination. Weigh them and conclude what is important and what is not.

It may be your behaviour

Do unto others what you would have them do unto you - Holy Bible. Following this commandment will make your life virtually trouble-free. Many people when they are in a relationship behave like tyrants once they get angry - so was I. Rarely do we realize how much trouble it causes to the person who virtually become our punching bags. Recollect how many times you did the same to your ex girlfriend/ boyfriend. If your display of anger was in public, consider the impact as ten-folds. Nobody can be like Jesus Christ, I admit. But controlling your temper is of course possible. If you keep on throwing your anger and behave like a tyrant, the love your lover has for you, turns into a kind of fear gradually. What would eventually happen? He/She would run away from you. The equation is as simple as that.

In addition to anger, so many other behavior problems can bring a relationship to the verge of a break up. Demanding too much love and attention is one of them. Your lover should not be loving you based on your demand. If it happens, the love gradually loses its sweetness. Let your lover love you whole heartedly without any pressures. Keep away from his/her space and freedom. People having possessiveness problem usually would have a background of lacking love and care. If you are one of them, remember that your love is not the only thing that keeps your lover alive. Before you came into your lovers life, he/she had relationships which he/she needs to keep alive and warm always. In addition to your love and care, they might need the love from their family and friends. You cant feed your puppy 24X7 with milk just because milk is rich in calcium. Always keep things balanced - the love you give and the love you receive.

If you try hard with sincerity and determination, you can definitely eliminate a majority of these problems and become a better person. Give your self ample time during the process.

If your problem is concerning anger, you can practice meditation or yoga. Work outs can also help you control your temper. Also seek your family's support and cooperation. Possessiveness is something that takes time to eliminate or reduce. First thing that truly helps is to seek other sources of love and attention - from family, friends etc. Get a bit distant from your partner (if you are not already) and live a life yourself. Learn to be happy even when you are alone. Have your own circle of friends. Flirting wont harm either. Spend lot of time with family. When you start receiving love from others and learn to be happy even when you are alone, you wont demand too much love from your partner. When the demand and suffocation is gone, the love you receive will be more natural and will be less straining to the giver.

It may be truly because you are running on parallel tracks
It is pretty difficult to live a married life without having a common ground between the partners. This parallel track problem arises when love starts from the physical aspects rather than true mutual understanding. To live together happily, physical attraction is required, of course, but in addition to that, there needs to be a mutual admiration, respect and sound and clear communication. If all you love in your partner is how he/she looks, double-check your love. Have you mistaken love for lust? Give it a very serious thought. If you share no common interests, and spending time with him/her doesn't mean the world to you, the relationship doesn't seem to hold any future.

In order to find how compatible you are, all you would need to do is recollect how wonderful you felt when you were with the person. If the joy you have outweighs the quarrels you make by a significant margin, you don't have to perform a dissection on the relationship to find out if it is compatible or not. Some people perform post-mortem on a broken relationship with such a vigour and fury that they finds each and every faults in it, surpassing even an opposition lawyer and makes the final judgment sheet of incompatibility. Such people believe in perfection in just about anything. Even if they makeup after a break up, greater chances are they would bring any relation back into a divorce.

If your heart says, you two can make it work, trust that. Let you be guided by your heart in the matters of love. If you strongly feel that the adjustment needs to be from your partners side, dont hesitate to ask for that. If you are having serious compatibility problems even after both of you having tried to adjust, then it may be time to realize that a breakup is unavoidable.

Original article can be read at:

More relationship advice and comprehensive articles can be read from:

(The website also provides comprehensive articles on Technology, Spirituality and Relationships and step-by-step tutorials on 3d modeling and animation using 3DS Max, Maya etc and much much more)

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Make Your Own Video Games For PCs and Consoles

Recently there has been a demand for tools which will allow the user to create video games for the PC and consoles. In the last few years many options have become available, and in this article I will outline a few of them. I will also cover some of the terminology of this subject, and provide some alternatives to creating your own games on the PC.

Make Your Own Video Games for Consoles:

The only console system you can currently make games for is the Xbox 360. To do so you need to download XNA and join their "Creator's Club" for $99.00 a year. XNA has been designed to be fairly easy to use, but some programming experience is required.

Make Your Own Video Games for the PC:

There are many options if you want to make your own games on the PC. The first thing you need to know is the difference between a game engine, and a GCS (Game Creation System.)

Game Engines:

A video game engine is just that, an engine. Few if any tools come with it, so some programming is required. There are many commercial engines available such as the Unreal Engine or CryEngine 2, and almost as many free alternatives. Crystal Space 3D and the Irrlicht Engine are examples of the later.


If you don't want to mess with any programming you need a GCS. A GCS packages a video game engine along with a variety of tools which can be used to make a game. There are a lot of commercial options, such as Torque or Gamestudio, but no comprehensive free or open source alternatives. Delta 3D is one such choice, but you will need additional tools to create games with it.

I should also mention that GCSs may not be a perfect fit for your particular needs when making a game for the PC. Most game developers use many custom tools tailor made for their needs as a result. So your best bet is to use tools that are specialized for different aspects of game development. You will need a good programming environment, a good image editor, a good sound and music editor, and a good modeling animation studio.

The current industry standard modeling and animation studios are 3DS Max and Maya. However True Space and Blender both provide excellent free alternatives, and are backed by large, supportive communities. The industry standard image editing programs are Paint Shop Pro and Adobe Photoshop, but the free alternatives Gimp and Paint.NET will work just as well. Expensive programs like Cakewalk are used for the creation of music and sounds, but Audacity is a free alternative. The best free programming environment is Microsoft Visual Studio Express.

Making video games requires a lot of work, but with the right tools it can be done fairly quickly and easily. Now that you know what tools to look for, it should be a lot easier to find what you need.

Robert Grazian is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about video games visit My PC Video Games for current articles and discussions.


Choosing the Right Animation Software

The computer graphics industry has come such a long way that if you start to count the number of computer animation software that existed or still exist in the market, youd make a list as long as an F1 track. Jokes apart, it is fact that there are a lot too many options if youre trying to choose the right animation software and this is what makes a decision difficult. All you need to know is your purpose.

You may ask a few questionsis it user-friendly? Does it have the best functionality? Is it the best product within your budget? Has it got the finest features? Which level of handling do you need it for? After you know your intentions for sure, make your choice.

3D animation software come in varied ranges and levels of complexity. But even the simplest low-end 3D software available today can render jaw-dropping graphics and animation. Therefore, you need to be extra careful in selecting the right 3D software to serve your needs. Good news is that most 3D versions are available in their respective demo versions. So you may judge their suitability before you finally commit buying one.

If you just want to get started at low cost, there are the basic level 3D software packages available, which sometimes even come free. These have the very rudimentary features and are as easy to handle as possible. 3D Canvas, Xara 3D, Adobe Dimension Amorphium, Poser are some names which require mention in the list of easy-to-use, simple 3D animation packages.

While choosing the intermediate or middle-level 3D software, be a little more prudentexamine the quality of rendering and speed before you seal a deal. This category of software has varying degrees of sophistication, with some offering radiosity at an affordable price. Strata 3D, Pixels (only for Mac), Bryce 3D, Blender are some of the names under the middle-level category.

At the high-end level, it is the implementation of the software that makes this category sharply different from the other two levels. Most of the applications at the advanced level have mind-boggling functionalities and powerful rendering. Lightwave 3D, Houdini, 3Ds Max, Maya 3D are some of the popular choices in this level. Of these, Maya is a front-runner for its amazing capabilities at character animation, video games development, visual effects, etc. Maya tutorials are available online to make learning this software easier. And like all the rest, its better to try hands on before going for it.

High-end complex 3D software learning is no duck soup for sure. But whod mind a little adventure when it doesnt cost anything? You may check out the free Maya video tutorials to get an idea about the software. Only when you know them all, make the final pick.

Wain Roy is an internet marketing professional expert in various industries like real estate, web design, finance, medical tourism, Canadian pharmacy drug and Maya tutorials

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Reduce Your Carbon Footprint - Build a Solar Cell Panel

You could also connect the cells in parallel where the current or amperage add together and the voltage stays the same. This method is not recommended as the voltage is to low to work with and the current becomes large and you loose power at the rate of current squared times resistance.They are very simple and fun to make. You solder a tin coated flat wire onto tinned strips on each side of the solar cells and connect them to the next cell. The method you connect them determines the voltage and amperage. You can make a 12 volt 9 watt solar panel for $18.60 plus taxes, backboard and flex glass or you can make a 12 volt 90 watt solar panel for $373.50 plus taxes, backboard and flex glass.

Before soldering any leads to the solar cells, I would recommend that you set up a work table outside in full sun and let the cells heat up to at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. The cells are quite fragile and may crack if they are cold and you touch them with a hot soldering iron. A good rosin core solder melts at about 374 degree Fahrenheit.

Check each connection with a voltmeter to make sure you have a good connection between each cell and the next before you glue the cells to the back board. Do not let a tinned wire hang over the edge of the solar cell such that it can touch the tinned wire on the other side of the same cell as this will short out that cell and it will not contribute to power of you solar panel.

If this happens cut the tinned wire back so that it can not touch the other tinned wire or if solder flows over onto the terminal below get some solder wick which is many fine strands of copper wire in a spool. Pull out a short section, place it on the solder and put your soldering iron on the wick and it will pull up any excess solder.

Make two terminals at the edge of the back board to attach the first and last solar cell to and use these terminals to connect to your device that you want to power. Check the voltage and polarity of the solar panel with a volt meter and mark these terminals + plus and - minus as the voltmeter indicates.

The number of solar cells you solder together in series will give you the output voltage you want. You then connect the output leads to what ever device you want to power. You can make any output voltage you want in increments of 0.5 volts Direct Current (DC) and any output current by selecting different sizes of solar cells.

You can also connect the cells in parallel where the current or amperage add together and the voltage stays the same. This method is not recommended as the voltage is too low to work with and the current becomes large and you loose power at the rate of current squared times resistance.

You can make a 12 volt DC solar panel with 28 solar cells. All of these solar cells generate an out put voltage of 0.5 to 0.55 volts. 28 cells connected in series will generate between 14 to 15.4 volts DC. You need at least 2 extra volts to fully charge a 12 volt battery.

You can get more detailed information at our web site or
Hi, I am Bruce Contryman a retired electrical engineer and I love to design and build stuff. I have upgraded our bathrooms, and bedrooms with carpet, tile sinks and a tub. I have refinished all of the kitchen cabinets and redid the kitchen and family room flooring.

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Solar Christmas Lights - Why Should You Buy Them?

Christmas is just around the corner. If you are in market for holiday decoration, consider the elegant looking solar Christmas lights. Like other solar products solar Christmas lights do not produce any gas emissions and is environment friendly. The lights are same as any other decorative lights. But the big benefit of using solar powered lights is they do not need a power outlet and no worry about fire or other house damages. You do not have to run any power cord from your garage or house to the yard. You do not have to decorate your yard or house around the power outlet. The lights reduce your energy bill during holiday season.

Solar panel absorbs sun energy and transfers it into electricity. Some Christmas lights have battery that stores the electricity derived from sun. Some lights has panel on top of it, so you have to put them where they direct sun light. For some lights you have to put the panel in direct sun light and run the cord to string of lights. The LED bulbs on lights have long life span than ordinary light bulb. You do not have to buy Christmas lights every year.

Installing the lights takes about 2-3 minutes. Mount the light on the ground and you are done. Let the sun do the rest of the work. The lights turn on automatically at dusk. So you do not have to remember to turn the holiday lights at night.

The lights come in different shapes and sizes. Just imagine your holiday decoration and the solar powered lights will fulfill it. With the solar lights you can decorate any area of your home. You are not limited to decorate near the power cord. Using these lights you can enjoy Christmas and at the same time save money on your energy bill. These lights are great to use near road, trees, mailbox or lamp post.

Get more information on solar lights at

L Vyas is an advocate of the application of alternative energy, Environment Care, Green Earth, Renewable Energy and Solar Gadgets. This article is copyrighted, all rights reserved, and it may be used only if kept entirely intact with the author's name and URL.

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How to Make a Brown's Gas Generator

More and more people every day start asking the question: "How To Make A Brown's Gas Generator" this is mostly due to the fact that more and more people everyday start hearing about brown's gas in the first place, and about the massive fuel savings that come with it.

I'm sure you are familiar with Brown's Gas and running your car on water, but do you know exactly how it works? It's very simple, you use electricity from your car's battery to separate water into a gas known as Brown's Gas or HHO. This burns effectively and supplies significant energy. Brown's gas has the atomic power of hydrogen but maintains the stability of water. This means Brown's gas, and a brown's gas generator is very safe and very effective at the same time.

I'm also sure that you know about the massive fuel savings that come with a Brown's gas generator, but do you know the other great benefits? First of all, Brown's gas generators are proven to at least double your mileage, even triple in some cases. But besides this it will also increase the life of your engine, give it more horsepower, reduce your car's emissions, and best of all you will get IRS refunds for using green technology on your vehicle. These range from 2000$ for a regular car, up to 50 000$ for a truck.

Ok so how to make a brown's gas generator? There are 2 ways of doing this. You can either do it yourself, or pay someone to do it.

First option would be to pay you local auto service to do this, the problem however is the fact that they usually charge about 1000$ for an operation like this. Now I don't know about you but I'm not willing to pay 1000$ for something that is simple and I can do myself.

The other option would be to make it yourself. The process itself is simple, as a result you won't need to pay the auto services. Today, you can find online, a lot of high quality guides, that are aimed squarely at car novices. These guides teach you everything step by step with illustrations, meaning you can pull it off!

A typical guide costs around 50$ and the materials needed for the build are no more then that as well. So you could be up and running at a very low price, and in a very short amount of time.

Now you know how to make a Brown's gas generator, do it yourself today and experience massive fuel savings.

Build Your Own Brown's Gas Generator it's easy to do, effective, and it will help you save tons of money on those ever raising gas prices.

Matthew Pothen owns a website specially dedicated to the top 3 "How To Build A Brown's Gas Generator"/"How To Run Your Car On Water" guides available today. Visit and make sure you buy the real thing.

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UGG Boots - Do Not Get Scammed

Let me lay it on the line for you here. There are a lot of fake UGG boots about. If you do not wanted to be taken for a ride follow these simple instructions to buying genuine UGG.

Fake UGG smell of paint

The first sign of a boot that is fake is the smell. Fakes smell of paint or lacquer from the dye used on the synthetic materials. The smell is not nice. A lot of the fakes have a label attached too saying "snow boots". Genuine UGG are not called snow boots at all.

Fake boots use synthetic fur

Genuine ones have real sheepskin fur on the inside. It is fluffy looking and thick and a creamy color. The fake ones use synthetic fur which is is slightly grey in color, much thinner and when you rub it in your hand bits of fur start falling out, it is obvious when you do this that the synthetic fur will not last long at all and the whole boot will soon fall apart on you.

Fake boots are incorrectly labeled

UGG are now made in China. Only Ugg Sundance and Ugg Ultra are manufactured in New Zealand.The fake ones will often have a label saying made in Australia or New Zealand. A genuine one is not made anywhere but China. Do not be fooled.

Fake Ugg have a badly made sole

The sole of the fake boots are poorly made and manufactured. Where the sole joins the heel, the genuine ones has a flush join. On the fake there is a solid line clearly visible. This is where the boots will start falling apart and leave you walking around wondering what has happened.

Some people actually look for fake UGG boots, because they are cheaper. Cheaper means looking like boots from a reject shop after a month.

For more information on Fake UGG boots please visit us at chic boot zone

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Online Desi Games - The Indigenous Delight

We Indians have always been quite keen on everything related to entertainment. Be it cinema, music or games. Our parents spent their leisure time playing cards (rummy being the most popular of all), Ludo, Snakes and Ladders, Carrom and chess.

India is a country where fun at home increases manifold when friends and relatives gather. On a holiday or at the weekends, the whole family rejoices by playing some cool indoor games. A child grows up learning Ludo and Snakes and Ladders. Times have changed now but Indians still crave for captivating games. When PCs gained entry into every Indian home, solitaire and freecell kept every one hooked. With the advent of Internet along with social networking sites and chat messengers, the gaming portals have also gripped the masses.

Considering the huge demand and popularity of online games, the Indian entertainment industry has decided to give them an indigenous touch. The aim is to attract the masses. For that. themes based on Indian day-to-day lifestyle are adopted. You can see busy streets, unpretentious villages or intense traffic serving as a backdrop in these games. Bollywood superstars, politicians, sports persons playing the role of the main protagonists in the games. The gamers can relate to the environment easily. Obviously, it is exciting to make Amitabh Bachchan follow your instructions.

Consequently, the gamers remain glued to the game.
The idea to give the games a desi transformation is highly acclaimed throughout the country. The average count of the online gamers in India is comparable to most of the developed countries where online gaming initially evolved.

Some of the games that wrote their success stories are Babul game (with Amitabh Bachchan playing the lead), Laloo Ki Laadli (quite obviously, Laloo Prasad Yadav shines here), Meter down racing (an auto rickshaw race), Bipasha's Beach blaze (Bipasha sizzles on skates in a beach), Salman Safe Mode (Salman behind the steering on Mumbai streets which is not at all safe) are just few of the online desi games created exclusively for our Indian game lovers. People get immense delight watching and controlling their favourite icons with a few keystrokes.
These days, the automobile brands have made their way into the gaming industry to gain publicity amongst the Indians. Logan from Mahindra has launched itself with a racing game. Same goes for Ford, which displays its models through a very popular game.
The dimensions of indoor gaming have changed a lot. But the fun remains the same. The Indian game lovers have come out of the addiction of the usual games board games and now find their niche in the world of online gaming. Online Indian games are scaling new heights with every new innovation and passing day.

Prashant Dhama is an expert author. He has written many articles on Free Online Games

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What is Go Board Game?

The "Go Board Game" is known as "weiq" to the Chinese, "igo" or "go" to the Japanese, and "baduk" to the Korean.

The Game of "Go" or "Weiqi" is highly intellectual board game, developed in China more than 3000 years ago. Besides being one of the oldest board game known to man; is also considered as one of the most complex and challenging board game. And is most probably still played by millions worldwide in its original form today.

It is considered more complex than the Chinese Chess, fun and intellectual game to play.

It is normally played on a standard board with grids of 19 x 19 lines. Although it is played sometimes with simplified versions, at different levels.
It is played using black and white stones, and is played by just two opposing players, placing the stones on the intersecting points of the lines alternatively.

The main objective of the game of "Go" is to win as much territory as possible.

"Go Board Game" helps a person concentration, creativity, calculation, the thinking ability and memory. This develops a person thinking skills and developing a good sense of judgment.

"Go" was used by Chinese astrologers to predict and foretell the future in the earlier days of its invention. And later it became pastime for gamblers and leisure idlers. Moreover it has been gaining popularity, and have been enjoying a good following as the world most challenging and intellectually stimulating board game.

There may be different stories about the "Go Board Game", its still remains the fact that the game of Go is a very enjoyable, interesting and challenging game. It is intellectual and also very fun to learn and play. The playing of the "Go Board Game" has become such an event that whereby different group of people from different countries who speak different languages and have different cultures; the "Go Board Game" seems to form a bridge between these people internationally.

Read more on the game at Go Board Game Blog.


Mirro Pressure Cooker - The Best Aluminum Version You Can Buy

Are you in the market for a reliable and durable pressure cooker? If you are you most definitely are not alone. An ever increasing number of people from all walks of life are making the decision to adding one to their kitchens. If you're serious about buying the best, you definitely will want to closely consider Mirro pressure cookers.

The following reviews will be provided with an overview of the pros and the cons of these products. Once you do have this information in hand you will be able to make an educated, intelligent decision as to whether or not a Mirro appliance is the right choice for you and yours.

Mirro actually has become the industry leader when it comes to stainless steel pressure cooker options. The company understands that there are some definite benefits to manufacturing cookers out of aluminum. One of these benefits is the fact that aluminum makes for very lightweight cookers. The reality is that pressure cookers manufactured by other companies today are heavy and hard to manage. Such is not the case with Mirro.

In addition to being lightweight and manageable, aluminum makes for very durable Mirro products. When you purchase a cooker you want one that will last a long time. Because of the fact that Mirro cookers are made from aluminum they do survive even the most demanding cook well into the future.

There are different models of products from this company that are in wide use today. Two of the most popular models are the Mirro 4-quart pressure cooker and the Mirro 8-quart pressure cooker. In addition, the Mirro Matic pressure cooker line also gets high marks and is popular with consumers as well

There are no major problems or negative elements associated with the company's cookware. Perhaps the only real issue is the fact that they have 'concave issues'. Because of this design consideration, Mirro pressure cookers are not suitable for flat surface stoves. Beyond this point, there are more positive elements associated with these products than negative issues.

Finally, the company's lines of cookers represent some of the most affordable pressure cookers that are available on the market today. When contrasting against other brands you really will find that the Mirro option tends to be less expensive each and every time.

Follow the links for the Mirro pressure cooker and read more pressure cooker reviews on leading brands such as Hawkins, Presto and the Fagor pressure cooker.

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How to Decide Which RC Car to Buy

When it comes to deciding which RC car you're going to spend your hard earned money on it's a tough call, this is a short guide to first time buyers, who I'm sure are overwhelmed by not only the choice but also the types of RC cars available.

In a nut shell there are two basic categories:

This is generally considered to be the most popular, off road have several different sub classes like Monster Trucks, Rally Cars, Bashers and Truggies, with the latter being a kind of on/off-road.

This is my personal area of expertise, these are pure bred race machines built to eat tarmac, but it has to be good tarmac, even slightly ages parking lots will hurt these baby, the have the setup options that you'd expect to see on Nascar or F1 car, everything from camber to dampening can be adjusted.

There are also two main sub categories:

This is the starting point for most people, I would suggest that you give this a try before you dive into anything that has a internal combustion engine. They are easy to maintain, relatively cheap, don't break half as much and are much, much cleaner. What these lack in power they make up for in precision, clip ever apex like a pro.

Nitro (a.k.a. Gas or Petrol RC)
The grand daddy of RC racing, these babies have incredible power, the Nitro engines also take a little getting used, unlike electric racers there is a slight delay in the throttle and breaking that you need to get used to, but if noise, smoke and power is your thing look no further. Nitro cars tend to not survive crashed as well as electrics due to the weight and speed at which the crash.

The basic rule of thumb is to stick to Electric until you are ready to race the Nitros; they are insanely fast and a lot can go wrong, run out of batteries for example and the throttle might stick open. While on an electric the car won't have the change to run away, with internal combustion it's a different story...

So you've decided which main class you want, now you need to decide what the car will be used for, there is a huge difference between the weekend warrior who tears up his local parking lot and anyone who wants to take racing seriously.

A few tips on picking a good starter car:

  • 2nd hand RC equipment has no resale value, which is good for you, look in forums and auction sites and you will save about 75% of the original cost, not to mention that most owners have several hop-ups and extra which they normally throw into the deal.
  • you need three things to get into RC, A Kit, The electronics for the kit (Speed controller, Receiver, Sero's, battery packs) and a Remote
  • Building the car yourself is easy and can be done in about 8 hours, but for the birthday boy it's best to get a RTR (Ready to race) as these most often come with all of the above, check the box before you buy it they will tell you what extras you need. A TT01 generally comes with everything you need apart from the remote, it's worth spending a bit more on the remote as this is something you will use over and over again.
  • Make sure that you will be able to find spares and hop-ups for the kit. (Important)
  • The best place to buy is the internet, this is true without a doubt, you get the best variety and prices from online stores.
  • Stay away from Nitro (Gas) powered RC cars until you can drive an electric one, electric RC cars are easy and cheap to maintain and give a lot less problems overall.

Which car to buy?
Personally I'd recommend a TT01 from Tamiya, they have amazing support world wide, while the car doesn't have the finesse of a carbon fibre racing beast it can still compete, winning RC events is about consistency, not tire warmers (yes you get RC tire warmers, blew me away the first time, but I still ended up beating most of the "Tire-Warming-Pro's"

The next step up from there is a Tamiya TA05, this is a belt driven RC car, while the TT01 is a shaft driven, there are some differences, but I'll leave that for a different article. The TA05 can also take any motor, so you can race in all three classes (Stock, Super Stock and Mod)

Using one of the above cars is cost effective and a good way to see if RC Racing is something you might like to take to the next level. Once you have selected your car it`s time to get involved, the best way is to join a local racing club...

Please stop by my website and browse my growing collection of RC articles, everything, including advice is free ;)

Gregory Alexander was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. He spent most of his younger days travelling the world, but eventually settled back home. He first got interested in Remote Control several years ago, since then it has grown into an obsession, now a successful RC Racer and Drifter he shares his knowledge with the world. To read more tips and techniques like the ones in this article, please click here: Free RC Car Articles

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HDTV - 720p, 1080i, and 1080p?

It seems that everyone is buying a new HDTV set this year. Conversation around the water cooler is full of techy buzzwords. When the HDTV standard in the U.S. was originated by the ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee), they defined eighteen different standards, but not all of the standards are in common use.

The standards that you should be familiar with for HDTV (High Definition TV) are 720p, 1080i, and more recently 1080p. The number in the format (for example "720") is the vertical lines of display resolution and the letter in the format (for example "p") stands for the display technique. The letter "p" means "progressive" scan, and the letter "i" means "interlaced".

HDTV (both 720p, 1080i, and 1080p) has a wide screen aspect ratio of 16:9 (width: height). EDTV (enhanced definition) is a standard definition TV (SDTV the format before HDTV), but with some software "interpolation". EDTV delivers a picture that is superior to that of SDTV, but not as sharp as HDTV. EDTV uses progressive scanning. EDTV sometimes has an aspect ratio of 16:9 (wide screen).

For reference, standard definition TV (SDTV, the format before HDTV) has 480 lines of vertical resolution and has an aspect ratio of 4:3. The SDTV signal is the U.S. has historically been an interlaced signal. This means that your TV set draws each frame in two passes: once for the even horizontal lines and a second pass for the odd lines. The specification is a maximum resolution for the technology, but often, the signal sources are less than the maximum. For example, VHS tape has approximately 240 lines of vertical resolution, over the air broadcast SDTV has approximately 330 lines of vertical resolution, and a SDTV DVD has approximately 480 lines of vertical resolution.

The televisions in Europe and Japan have been (and are) progressive format. A progressive format makes a single pass for all of the lines. Progressive pictures look a bit smoother than an interlaced image, especially when there's a lot of movement on the screen, like sports.

To add to the confusion, BluRay DVDs do, and later this year, the satellite TV companies will, broadcast in 1080p. This standard has both the higher number of lines of vertical resolution, and the preferred progressive format. The Dish Network will begin satellite broadcast in 1080p in August 2008 with 150 HDTV channels, and DirecTV will begin both satellite and Internet broadcast by the end of 2008, with about 130 channels of HDTV programming. The satellite companies compress their signal with MPEG-4 techniques, which reduces the bandwidth needed for broadcast. Currently, the only source material for 1080p is movies, especially movies originally made for IMAX. None of the major networks (ABC, ESPN, etc.) has yet announced support for 1080p. In addition, Sony Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 have 1080p games.

HDTV Video Format: 720p, 1080i, and 1080p, the higher number is better, right? Even though 1080i technically has a higher resolution, it is not the obvious choice. 1080i has 1080 vertical lines of resolution and 1920 horizontal lines of resolution. 720p has 720 lines of vertical resolution and has 1280 lines of horizontal resolution. But the 720p system is progressively scanned. This compensates for the lower level of resolution. The 1080p signal is the best of both worlds, more picture information with a progressive format.

If your signal received, for example for a satellite receiver, is primarily standard definition, a 1080p TV will not significantly improve your picture when compared to a 720p TV. The picture quality is fundamentally limited by the source signal (480 lines of vertical resolution). Similarly, if your signal has a 720 source, then the 1080 TV will not improve your picture. All High Def sports broadcasts from Fox, ESPN, and ABC are broadcast in 720p.

Some networks have opted for the 1080i format because it provides the more picture information, while ABC, Fox, ESPN, and the National Geographic Channel have chosen the smoother pictures of 720p. HDTV programming on CBS, NBC, and other networks is broadcast in 1080i. The new 1080i or 1080p HDTVs will probably make this type of programming somewhat sharper than it would appear on a 720p TV. This becomes more important because as the TV screen gets larger, the visible difference in detail between 720p and 1080i and 1080p displays becomes more apparent. Because of this, most HDTV sets larger than 50 inches are 1080p or 1080i.

1080p HDTV System Capabilities:

A 1080p HDTV displays all inputs signals at 1080p, because this is the normal resolution of the unit. If the system is less than 1080i or 1080p, then a special purpose chip in your HDTV scales the signal. It will interpolate, like the EDTV does with a SDTV signal. If the signal is 1080i, the system will combine the odd and even interlaced frames and display the full signal as 1080p. The resulting performance should be similar to a true 1080p video source.

Cable HDTV:

More than 100 million U.S. homes can receive HDTV from their cable system, and all of the top 100 cable markets in the country have available HDTV programming. Unfortunately, most cable providers carry only a few of the 50+ available HDTV networks.

Satellite HDTV:

While HDTV local channel selection is generally better on cable than satellite, the major satellite companies offer more national HDTV channels than almost every cable provider. Both DirecTV and the Dish Network have promised to offer more than 130 HDTV channels by the end of the year. "Satellite's going to be constrained not so much by how many channels they can carry than by how many they can get," Bob Scherman, Satellite Business News.

  • By 2010, 60% of U.S. homes will use a Satellite signal, up from 15% in 2002.
  • Summary:

    Screen resolution for HDTV has become comparable to microprocessor clock speed for personal computers. Even though clock speed is not necessarily a perfect indication of overall system performance, often the consumer thinks of it that way.

    Interestingly, when an expert group, the SMPTE (Society of Motion Pictures and Television Engineers), recently ranked the importance of resolution, it came in fourth. The SMPTE ranked contrast ratio, color saturation, color temperature and grayscale ahead of resolution in importance. The Imaging Science Foundation reached a similar conclusion. However, most HDTV manufacturers bundle quality traits such as improved contrast ratio with higher screen resolutions into their top of the line HDTVs. So if you purchase a set with top of the line screen resolution, you more than likely will receive the top of the manufacturer's product line for other important screen criteria.

    Prices have dropped significantly the last two years, but it appears that the rate of price reduction has been slowing significantly recently. "Television shoppers who visit mass merchants may be more concerned with obtaining a low price and may not be seeking expert advice. However, television shoppers should be aware that the lower prices they find at mass merchants are primarily due to the fact that these stores tend to carry second tier brand TVs, rather than major brands such as Sony or Panasonic. When pricing for a specific television model is compared at each type of retailer, the prices are surprisingly similar," J.D. Power's Larry Wu.

    And on a final note, be sure to account for the Audio side of your system. George Lucas (Star Wars) once said audio is half the movie viewing experience. It's also true for a good football or basketball game.

    About the Author: Brian Bradshaw is a Certified Technical Specialist (InfoComm CTS). Areas of expertise include Video, Audio, Computation, HDTV, Satellite Systems, and Communications. He has a communications technology business in Plano, Texas (Dallas). More information can be found at his Website:

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    What is Digital Cable Television?

    Television first became available in the 1930's. Since then the changes in television have been substantial. What were first just a few channels and a picture that was not always clear, has grown into hundreds of channels with the clearest picture ever seen.

    Analog broadcast television is the earliest television. It has become less and less popular over the years. Then along came cable. Analog cable television is more popular, but even that is losing fast ground these days

    One significant advancement that has been made with television is digital television. Digital television allows you to receive your programming digitally. This gives you a cleaner picture without the interference that analog cable television can be subjected to.

    Digital cable television has the advantage of giving you a better picture than analog, but there are other advantages as well. You will also receive better sound and many more channels than what analog can give you.

    There are also extras with digital cable television that many customers love. For example, movie programming is a popular feature of digital cable television. One of the extras that people love is the video on demand option.

    The Federal Government has mandated that analog broadcast become digital in the month of February 2009. This new rule does not apply to cable television companies. However, many cable companies are making the switch to digital if they have not done so in the past. Analog cable television is on its way out.

    What have you enjoyed with your analog cable television? You still get the same features with digital. With digital you still get your wide variety of programs, plus all the local channels that you used to enjoy with regular TV. You can go very basic or you can go with premium packages. Whatever your budget allows.

    What other advantages can you enjoy with digital cable television? One important feature is that some programs with be in high definition or HDTV. High definition TV is digital, but digital is not necessarily high definition. In order for you to enjoy high definition television your system must be set up for it.

    There are various ways to get digital cable television. You can get cable with a cable box. Some of the cable boxes will allow for high definition television. Some will allow you to record your favorite shows. Each type will vary.

    Boxes do not belong to the consumers. Consumers lease the boxes for your use. You can always change your box if you want to upgrade or downgrade. More than one TV means more than one box. Cable boxes are installed by cable providers.

    There are also cards that work like a cable box but without the bulk. You can use them without the need for separate boxes.

    The new HDTV's allow for you to experience cable without the boxes. However, the service is not free. You will still need to subscribe to your local cable service. However you will find that your viewing will be better along with the many channels you will receive.

    For the absolute best in premium television entertainment, go with a satellite TV provider. Consider selecting one of the top-notch programming packages from Direct TV, the leader in satellite television entertainment. There is a Direct TV programming option to suit every need, from sports enthusiasts to movie buffs to people looking for family-friendly entertainment.

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    What's the Difference Between 2D and 3D Anyway?

    Isn't it obvious? Well, apparently not quite, when you consider how many people are still struggling with this topic!

    The first concept you must grasp is that 3D means 3 dimensional and 2D means 2 dimensional. Now before you think I'm stating the obvious, let me go on to say that the 3D and 2D in animation refer to the dimension in which the animation was created. Ahhhh. The plot thickens eh?

    For 2D animation, everything happens on a 2 dimensional platform. Pictures are flat, without depth and offer only one pespective. Objects and characters are usually drawn without the subtle soft shadows we see in real life and colours have few varying shades. In 3D animation, everything happens on a 3 dimensional platform. Pictures have depth and offer multiple pespectives just like in real life and have soft subtle shadows casted on the objects and characters within.

    In 2D, characters look cartoonish and unrealisitc. In 3D, characters can look cartoonish but realistic at the same time.

    Another way to think of this is to think in terms of a painting and a sculpture. 2D is a painting, and 3D is a sculpture. 3D introduces "depth perspective," so we not only see a rectangle (2D) but a CUBE (3D). You may also want to think of it like being the difference between a photograph of a glass of water (2D) and being able to reach out and actually pick up the glass of water (3D).

    Typically, 2D involves "drawing," or movement on, say, a flat surface (sketch pad, etc.) or in the vertical and horizontal planes. 3D involves "modeling," i.e., creating objects in 3-dimensions using a computer software, residing in an expansive virtual environment, complete with lights, reflections, other objects, shadows, etc.

    You could start training yourself by comparing a cartoon like Bugs Bunny, Aladdin, Lion King (2D) to "Toy Story 1,2 & 3, "Finding Nemo" and "Incredibles" (3D). If you have not watched any of these great cartoons, you should grab one right away or be branded a neantherdal forever!

    This article was written by Aldric Chang - a creative businessman who is active in music composing and production, internet marketing, casual games production, animation production, cartoon production and character licensing. His 3d animation studio - Mediafreaks - is focused on producing high-end animation work for documentary producers, advertising houses and cartoon animated series - with projects ranging from the animation of dinosaurs to the visualization of natural disasters and something as chic as 3d jewelry animations or as intricate as 3d medical animation.

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    Big Screen Entertainment Centers

    Home entertainment centers, apart from providing storage space for the audiovisual equipment, can serve as the ideal place for a family gathering every evening if you plan your entertainment center carefully.

    Apart from the creative satisfaction that you will derive from this activity, you will also be able to give a unique identity that will transform your house into a well cared for home. All this will require some planning on your part.

    First of all, plan your space for the PC in the entertainment center. A PC is no longer meant for work alone. You can use it to download songs, videos, and also manage digital data. You will need a few hours of set-up time for connecting it to the entertainment center. This will also include a broadband connection, either a wireless or a wired one.

    While buying your entertainment center, you need to keep in mind the size of the TV you possess. There are a large number of styles and sizes available in the market, ranging from 21 inch TVs to full-size home theater systems.

    You can now enjoy the benefits of both the TV and PC at the same time. While the PC makes it easier to download music, you can enjoy music, videos, or movies on the big screen backed with surround-sound speakers systems.

    If you plan well, your entertainment center can serve as the perfect place for the family to sit together. These entertainment centers have enough storage space that you can also plan to keep your books there.

    So if one person wants to watch TV or listen to music, he or she can use the headphones and someone else can read a book.

    Also, while planning your entertainment center, do keep in mind the space requirements and also you home dcor and furnishings. You can design your entertainment center as a corner cabinet, wall cabinet, or custom built cabinet.

    Utilize your space well and dont stop at anything but the perfect fit. If it is a corner entertainment center that you have opted for, you can stack two or more rounded corner units and in this way transform this empty space into a compact storage center.

    Entertainment Centers provides detailed information about entertainment centers, corner entertainment centers, entertainment center furniture, and more. Entertainment Centers is affiliated with Flag Display Cases.

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    Kitchen Decorating Trends - Coffee Kitchen Decor

    The kitchen is the heart of the home and who hasn't spent hours in there sipping coffee with friends and family? So it should come as no surprise that one of the hot kitchen decorating trends of today is using coffee kitchen dcor to perk up the look of this much used room.

    When decorating with this theme you will find that your kitchen takes on a trendy but also comfortable appeal. Giving your kitchen the look of a popular caf is one twist on this decorating method but you could also go with a vintage appeal and give it more of a diner look. Either way, this style of dcor is sure to please.

    The great thing about this style is that you can use basically any color scheme. This allows the homeowner to easily give their kitchen the aura of a coffee house without having to spend a lot of time and money on painting and refitting it with new appliances. However, if you do want to give your kitchen a fresh coat of paint, you might consider the color of caf au lait - it's very popular and will go with any dcor if you should tire of the coffee theme.

    Finding coffee kitchen dcor can be fun and today there are many options. First of all, you can find coffee themed items in most stores and online. Today, this trend is rather popular and you can find pot holders, kitchen towels and even curtains adorned with steaming mugs of coffee.

    While all these items are great, I like to add a little unique flair to my decorating projects and what better way then to scour flea markets and antique shops for vintage coffee themed items. Here are some fun items that you can keep an eye out for that will add charm to your coffee themed kitchen:

    - Vintage coffee house signs
    - signs from coffee houses that show the menu or types of coffee
    - Vintage sings for different brands of coffee
    - Vintage coffee canisters
    - Old coffee mills
    - Plain white utilitarian coffee mugs and saucers just like you see in the old diners

    You might also want to look for old tables from diners for your kitchen table or go with a more trendy caf look by using a wrought iron table with a glass top or even one of the modern style tables at the furniture store which actually resemble the tables and chairs you see in trendy coffee houses today.

    So, you see, using coffee kitchen dcor in your home can be fun and you can even add unique appeal by finding one of a kind items that are reminiscent of the great coffee house days. With a little attention to detail, you're sure to put together a kitchen that reflects one of today's modern trends as well as a little bit of yesterday.

    Your house doesn't have to be boring and you don't have to spend a lot to jazz it up either! To find out how to decorate your house on a budget, please visit where you can learn about all different decorating styles including more on coffee kitchen decor.

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    History of the Camera

    Early cameras of the 16th and 17th century were able to project images onto paper or glass but the study of capturing, processing and printing the images took many more years. Up until the 17th century, scientists believed that light was composed basically of the white that is perceived by the human eye. It took the research done by famous physicist Isaac Newton to discover that light is actually composed of a spectrum of colors. While he made a big contribution to the study of optics (that is at the core of camera advances) with this discovery, Newton did not actually have anything to do with camera development per se.

    The early camera that first became a phenomenon was a little more than a pinhole camera and can be traced back to 1558. It was called the Camera Obscura. The Camera Obscura was seen as a drawing tool for a clearer and realistic portrayal of objects. It was in the early 19th century that an invention named the Camera Lucida was introduced by Cambridge scientist William Hyde Wollaston that consisted of an optical device that could help an artist view a distant scene or person or object on a paper surface that he or she was using to draw. In other words the artist gets to view a superimposed image of a subject on paper and this image could be effectively used to attempt to draw, trace or paint it. Both the Camera Obscura and the Camera Lucida provided an image that was temporary, which could not be lastingly captured on to paper for later reference.

    Studies however continued well into the 1800s on how to actually capture the image onto material. It was during this time, around 1822 that French researcher Joseph Nicephore Niepce, created the first photograph by using paper that was coated with a chemical. The image would not stay permanently on the paper and would disappear after a short while. Even so, despite the short-lived nature of the image, the concept of photography was born with this experiment and paved the way for further study and development in this field.

    Capturing images to retain them longer and permanently became the next big quest for researchers. Another Frenchman Louis-Jacques-Mand Daguerre partnered with Joseph Nicphore Nipce in 1829, to develop the process of creating permanent photographs. Joseph Nipce died in 1833 but Daguerre continued with the work and succeeded in 1837 after many long years of experimentation. The process of capturing photographic images that would not fade away, introduced by Daguerre came to be known as the daguerreotype.

    The word photography was coined by scientist Sir John F.W. Herschel in 1839 and it is actually is derived from two Greek words photos meaning light and graphein meaning draw.

    A slightly more advanced version of the daguerreotype called the Calotype process that makes multiple copies possible using the negative and positive method became available very soon after. In fact, it was during the 1840s that the use of photographic images in advertisements first started and cameras made their mark on the power of visual communication. It was not much later, in the 1850s that photographers first started experimenting with underwater photography of seascapes.

    Up until 1850, the process of capturing images was cumbersome requiring upto half an hour of light exposure. The discovery made in 1851 by Frederick Scott Archer was a blessing since the new method termed the Collodion process called for just 2-3 seconds of light exposure to capture an image.

    Prior to 1871, photographers went through a development process where they had to coat the plate with wet chemical each and every time and process the image immediately. With the invention the gelatin dry plate silver bromide process by Richard Leach Maddox, negatives did not have to be developed immediately. This was an important discovery since up until then the captured image had to be processed instantly.

    Kodak created in 1888 by George Eastman has been a modern day pioneer of sorts in cameras and photography for the masses. George Eastman and the scientists who worked with him at Kodak developed the photographic film in 1889 and made it available in rolls for the mass use of consumers. An important milestone in our entertainment and communication history was the development of transparent roll film by Eastman. This development led to another key invention the motion picture camera by Thomas Edisons in 1891.

    -->Modern Times

    During the 20th century the pace of technology development in cameras and photography continued at an accelerated pace much like many other key technology developments. While several key inventions like car, telephone and the gramophone record happened in the later half of the 19th century, it is the last 100 years that saw major developmental work in many areas of communications technology and as well as in other fields TV, aircrafts, PCs, digital technology, digital cameras, mobile phones, fax machines and the internet, to name a few.

    In the case of the camera, the developments simplified the whole process of photography, making it accessible to one and all at affordable prices and the camera industry denizens of our times made it into a mass phenomenon. The first mass use camera became available at the turn of the 20th century and can be traced back to the year 1900. There are hundreds of models of cameras available today both for the amateur as well as the professional and the camera is an important part of any familys repertoire of must have gadgets.

    -->20th century chronology in the history of the camera:

    1913: 35 mm still-camera created

    1927: The flash bulb introduced by General Electric Co. (The concept of camera flash existed much before but was based on the use of a flash light powder that was invented by German researchers)

    1935- 1941: Kodak starts marketing Kodachrome film and subsequently launches Kodacolor negative film. Canon released the Hansa Canon in 1936, the first 35mm focal-plane shutter camera.

    1948: The concept of the Polaroid camera is introduced in the market. American scientist Edwin Land developed the process for instant photography. Later Polaroid Corporation developed the instant color film around 1963.

    1957: Frenchman Jaques Yves Cousteau invented the first waterproof 35mm camera for underwater photography named the Calypso Phot. The actual camera was developed by the Belgian airplane technical designer Jean de Wouters based on the blueprint and suggestions given to him by Cousteau.

    1972: The electronic camera that does not require film was created and patented by Texas Instruments. This is however not the same as a digital camera though you dont require film in digital cameras as well. The launch of the digital camera is still many years away.

    1975: Kodaks experiments with digital imaging kicked off around the mid seventies but it will take another 20 years before a digital camera for the home consumer market is launched.

    1978 1980: Asian players like Konica and Sony begin to make their mark. The point and shoot automatic focus camera is launched by Konica while Sony starts talking about the camcorder and demonstrates a prototype.

    1981: Sony launches a commercially available electronic still camera. Similar to the 1972 invention by Texas Instruments, the Sony electronic camera came with a mini disc on which images were recorded and stored. The recorded images could be later printed or viewed on a monitor using a reader device.

    1985: Digital processing technology makes its entry. Digital imaging and processing is introduced by Pixar.

    1986: The camera industry becomes even more consumer focused and taps the fun and travel connotations behind camera usage, with the launch of the concept of the disposable single use cameras. Fuji is credited with the development of this concept.

    Also in 1986 - 1987, Kodak started taking giant strides in digital development. Digital means, the photographic image is divided into tiny units of dots or squares known as pixels. Pixels are the programmable units of an image that can be processed by computers. Each image could be made up of millions of pixels. The use of pixels in digital technology allows storing large volumes of pixels to deliver high definition print quality.

    1990: Kodak introduces Photo CDs. It is a system of storing photographic images on CD and then viewing them on a computer. With this development the user-friendly approach of the camera industry began to take concrete shape.

    1991: Kodak introduces a digital camera targeted at professionals and journalists. Kodak is credited with the invention of a pixel based camera technology known to us as the digital camera. Digital cameras dont use film similar to their predecessor electronic cameras but the storage method is entirely different and the final photograph is of much higher resolution. In a digital camera photos are recorded and stored in digital form. This digital data can be transferred to a computer and processed for printing. Kodak and Canon are well known digital camera manufacturers and there are also several other key brands as well.

    1994: The Apple QuickTake camera, a home use digital camera is launched. This is followed by the launch of a clutch of home use digital cameras by Casio, Kodak and others in quick succession during 1995 -96.

    -->The digital era:

    The development of digital camera technology is considered to be linked to the development of TV and Video technology. The principles of transmission and recording of audio-visual images using digital electrical impulses finds use in camera imaging as well.

    Through the 1990s the developments continued in camera technology, the focus now shifting to the field of digital imaging which is where the future lies. Use-friendly features like software that can download digital images directly from camera onto home computers for storing and sharing on the internet is the new norm in the market place.

    The camera, the computer, the software industry and the worldwide web are today irrevocably interlinked to empower the user in experiencing the benefits of camera usage to full potential. The innovation that sparked many an invention in the camera industry found its way into the digital world as well and continued among digital camera manufacturers. During 2001, the Kodak and Microsoft partnership ensured that digital camera manufacturers could use the power of Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP) standard through Windows. The digital photo experience is a key visual driver in the Internet era. Many of Kodak digital camera models with EasyShare capabilities are compatible with Windows XP. The Kodak EasyShare software enables users to transfer digital camera pictures directly from camera to their computers and then print the pictures or even email them.

    Manufacturers in a related industry like the printing industry have adapted their products to be in sync with the images created by digital cameras. Cell phone manufacturers have tied up with digital camera manufacturers to develop new age camera phones in recent years. These camera phones can capture images and share the images through the cell phone.

    Among the 21st century digital developments are the advanced product offerings from digital cameras manufacturers and these are sure to occupy an important place in the ensuing history of camera development. For instance, the Kodak Professional DCS Pro SLR/c is a high-end digital camera and the Kodak website calls the DCS Pro SLR models the most feature-rich digital cameras on the market. It has an image sensor that can handle 13.89 million pixels and this makes it the highest resolution digital camera available. High resolution determines the sharpness or level of detail in photographic images. This is just a glimpse of the capabilities that digital technology places in a users hands. Digital camera sales figures for 2003 show that the two key players Kodak and Canon have recorded impressive growth.

    -->What does the future holds for camera users?

    The features offered by digital cameras can be quite mind-boggling for the average user and pretty exciting for most pros. Four key ongoing camera developments that are likely to further improve the process of photography:

    1. Greater resolution from even the simplest, low cost camera models

    2. Usage in any type of lighting conditions,

    3. Compatibility across a range of software, hardware and image types

    4. Rich colors and tone

    While the higher-end digital evolution continues, the prices of the simple camera have crashed to such an extent that even children and teens are proud owners of uncomplicated cameras. The camera and photography interest starts young and this creates a truly large audience base for the camera industry.

    And throughout history, it is evident that the endeavor of researchers and developers has been to make the camera available to a wide section of society. Without camera technology and photography, the other key developments of cinema and TV would have been delayed and what a boring place the world would have been without TV and films!!

    The author, Chris Haslego, is founder of, the internet's foremost source of camera manuals. With over 4000+ camera manuals available from all major manufacturers.

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    How to Be Your Own Energy Provider and Save Money

    Save a lot of money and be your own energy provider. Energy costs nowadays are so high that it is taking a toll on the monthly budget of most people. Maybe this is because of our reliance on modern appliances and equipment that we fall prey to the use of electricity, and we are now stuck with the dilemma of not wanting to compromise comfort with cost.

    There are several alternative sources of energy that you can tap into that will help you save in terms of electrical costs, as well as be beneficial to the environment. Power sources, such as solar and wind, are the most commonly used in household applications, though you can use hydropower if you are situated near a strong river.

    Using renewal sources of energy have several advantages. One is that they cannot be depleted; another is that they do not create a by-product that can damage the environment. Lastly, the equipment needed to harvest these energies requires very little maintenance.

    Let us take a look at how solar powered devices work. To collect energy from the sun, you need solar panels or an array of solar cells. This energy is then stored in batteries for future use. If you have appliances that run on DC, you can easily plug these directly to the battery source. If you use the regular AC appliances, then you will need an inverter to convert the power in the battery for use with those appliances. The solar cells have not been known to break down that easily and seldom are they being replaced. The only regular maintenance would be in the battery cells, which require you to level it with distilled water to keep the cells active.

    Wind power generators need initial construction for the tower and fan blades. Energy collected from the wind is also stored in batteries and tapped into the same way. You can also a similar device for pumping water. There is just a disengagement mechanism for it to separate itself from the water pump in case your water tank is already full.

    Any of these systems can be connected to the main power grid of the electric company within your area. They will pay for this use of power. In times that you generate more power than what you require, the excess power is fed into the grid for other consumers to use. In case there is something wrong with your system and you experience a power outage, the grid will power you with electricity from the power company itself.

    Why not help yourself as well as your community? Be your own energy provider, save money, as well as earn money by doing this.

    Tired of high electric bills? Discover how thousands of families are using homemade solar power systems to power their homes!

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