Nintendo Wii and Arthritis Benefits

Physicians around the world and makers of the Nintendo Wii might be onto something new. Senior citizens and those with arthritis are in need of physical activity in order to maintain a healthy, active, less pain filled life. Movement of the joints is known to promote strength which is supposed to stretch tendons and muscles and help bone structure which could lessen the affects of arthritis.

Many Physical Therapists have decided to invest in Nintendo Wii gaming systems in order to give their patients a motivational way of exercising. The Wii uses a motion sensor control which means that the gamer has to move around in order to play the game. Not only is this a fun way to play, but it beats the same boring step aerobic and joint exercise routines that can lead to bored patients.

Many senior citizens that tried playing the Nintendo Wii found it quite interesting. They thought that it was both fun and beneficial. Scientists made control groups to see the outcome of how the Nintendo Wii could help arthritis patients. While the results aren't in yet, the fact that these people are up and moving around, enjoying an active life style a couple of hours a week is a definite plus and pain didn't even seem to be a factor for them when playing various Wii games such as bowling. There were many that worried that technology would be a factor and that senior citizens wouldn't be able to get the hang of it. Fortunately, no one seemed to have a problem.

If the Wii is found to have positive affects on arthritis pain, we could be looking into a whole new era of treatment for those in need. All of the physical activity needed to play the Wii reduces joint and muscle stiffness. Encouragement is needed factor in order to get senior citizens into a active daily life, especially when they deal with pain on a daily basis. The fact that the Nintendo Will offers fun on top of exercise seems to be inspiration enough. I think Wii had the right, and possibly the best, idea yet hands down.

The Author is doing more research on the effects of the Nintendo Wii on various ailments such as Arthritis

Okami Wii Official Strategy Guide
ATI Graphics Buy Wii Games

Find a Prototyping Solution

A solution is the result of the method or process of finding the answer to a problem. A business is a complex system that, simply put, needs to constantly find solutions to problems tied to productivity and cost. Now, each business has a product. It may a tangible product that needs to be manufactured, or it may be a service that in turn offers a solution to another individual or business problem.

In the case of products that need to be manufactured, the problems are still tied to costs, productivity and efficiency. In short, when it comes to producing products, the development process needs to be done in the shortest amount of time and money with the assurance of increasing the business' bottom line.

However, the process of development can be very tedious. Many prototypes can be made to refine a product before it is even produced and launched. Creating prototypes is a problem in itself because of the amount of effort and time it can potentially consume. This is why the solution to this problem was to utilize computer aided designs or CAD, where one can create the design using virtual 3D models on screen to test a product.

This though, obviously has its limitations and the solution to that is a machine that manufactures prototypes. In fact, there are many prototyping solutions providers that offer the answer to all prototyping needs. These solutions are made possible by machines that are compact and easy to use, which manufacture prototypes. These machines that manufacture prototypes simulates the production process for your products without the use of complicated, large scale mechanisms.

These machines produce prototypes based on a computer aided design. This way, you are able to transform your virtual design into actual 3D models and you can test the feasibility of your design and product.

Check out various prototype solutions provider to be able to find one that suits your specifications and needs. Generally, you should choose a prototype solutions provider that will be able to give a cost effective, compact machine that manufactures prototypes easily inside the design engineers' workspace.

Whether your designs are for manufacturing digital products, automotive systems, industrial, medical, and other fields, the right prototype solutions provider will give provide your with a state of the art machine that manufactures prototypes for all your prototyping needs directly from your 3D CAD system. This way, your design engineers can test the prototypes quickly, efficiently and cost effectively.

Low Jeremy maintains This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.

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