Wireless Home Speakers - Best Living Room Addition

Is your living room a little large? And are you using hardwood flooring? If so, then you must be one of the people who detest running wires around. But if you want to install a home theater, how else could you possibly setup your set of speakers?

Surround is the best complement of a plasma or LCD TV spanning 52 inches wide or more. Would you run wires towards the back of the room just for the sake of quality, cinematic sound? You surely wouldn't, if you have another choice. Well you do have one - wireless home speakers.

The rear speakers are really the most difficult set to put up in a complete surround system. It's forgivable to wire two left and right speakers on the front. But if the setup calls for a six feet cable to run from the center of the living room all the way to the back, no homeowner with hard wood floor and concrete walls would be too happy.

This is where wireless home speakers come in. With these cool devices, you can forget all about the wires. You can also rest your mind about people tripping over your living room with all the clutter the cables had produced. The only thing you should be concerned about is the power outlet for the speakers. That's the only wire you have to think about. Then everything else becomes clutter-free.

In a wireless speaker setup, the remote speakers are equipped with a wireless adapter. It could be a dongle, an antenna, or an integrated device. Either way, its job is to receive the signal emitted by the central unit. When installed optimally, seamless operation will be enjoyed. That means crisp, true-to-life sound for you.

The speakers would let you enjoy sound like you want it - and absolutely no hassles at that. Cables are going to be your least concern right now. There's no need to renovate your homes now just to accommodate the wires that you need to setup a surround system. Isn't this a very convenient solution?

Find the latest information about wireless home speakers and how to find the best rated wireless speakers on the market for your home at wireless speakers reviewed.

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The Cell - A Revolution In 3d Rendering And Graphic Applications

The Cell Broadband Engine is a distributed computer processor capable of running instructions at upwards of 200 gigaflops or 200 trillion instructions per second. Although these would be fairly simple instructions, the speed of the Cell means it can process very complex information faster because it would break it down, process elements, then reassemble the finished product faster than a normal processor.

One possible future for the Cell is in the avenue of a render farm for 3d and computer animated films and television shows.

Here's how it would possibly work:

  • Get 6 PS3's
  • link them together with a 8 port high-speed ethernet switch capable of running 1000 base-t or gigabit ethernet speed. Connect a Linux computer to the 7th port.
  • 8th port of the switch goes to high-speed internet.
  • Load a software application on the linux pc that can coordinate a distributed computing environment
  • Load a node application onto each PS3's linux kernel so they can run code sent from the central computer.

Then all that is needed is to run the program to begin the render engine. Load it with the frameset and let it pass the data onto the PS3 network so the Cell processors can go to work. The Cell is designed for graphical rendering and scaled linear data computing, which makes it nearly perfect for graphic processes of the type that a render farm would be best suited for.

A current project that would work for the Cell is BURP (Big and Ugly Render Project) as it is designed for both distributed computing and will run on the Linux kernel.
By setting graphic files in a format able to be read by the Blender graphic program, they could be sent through BURP and processed by a dedicated PS3 network, and the resulting finished frames sent back to the central machine for assembly into a finished Computer Generated Animation.

The possibilities for the Cell are endless, but this is one that we expect to see within the next 12-18 months. I would be very surprised if this does not happen.

Tim Morrison is a founding member of Morristreet.com, a technology company developed to bridge the gap between virtual and real worlds in the realm of 3d. Our goal is to be able to produce a 3d image on the computer and then produce it as a physical object - no matter what the complexity or detail involved. In this vein, we keep track of anything in relation to 3D imagery that can bring our goals closer, be it gaming consoles that can do more than play games, hardware imaging solutions, or software that can make our lives easier. Real World 3D is coming, Morristreet is in the lead!

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