LCD Flat Screen TV - Are 120Hz LCD Flat Screen TVs Worth The Extra Money?

If you have been looking at buying an LCD flat screen tv, no doubt you have read about the 120Hz models. You are probably wondering if the 120Hz models are worth the extra cost. The value of the 120hz feature has been widely debated in recent months. There are a number of things to consider before making your decision.

In the early days of the LCD vs Plasma tv wars, one of the biggest drawbacks to purchasing an LCD tv was that they were prone to motion blur and a somewhat choppy picture, especially in times when there was a lot of fast action such as sports or in movie scenes such as car chases. Although there has been a great deal of improvement over the years in the tvs ability to handle fast motion, LCD is still battling the stigma of not having as smooth of a picture as plasmas.

Enter the 120Hz tv. As a direct response, LCD manufacturers have incorporated 120Hz tvs into their newest tv models. These tvs have refresh rates that are twice as fast as the "standard" 60Hz models.

Those who are supporters of the 120Hz technology claim that the picture is noticeably smoother with crystal clear clarity, especially during fast action scenes or sports. Another benefit is the ability to produce an almost 3D-like picture.

On the other hand, others say that they can't notice a difference when comparing side to side with the "standard" 60Hz models. They feel that the 120Hz models are simply marketing gimmicks to sell higher priced tv.

So who is right? As usual there is a middle ground. Put simply, a 120Hz tv will take a standard 60Hz signal and simply replicate it twice which by itself does little to enhance the picture quality. The real difference is made when applying a video processing feature for motion enhancement. Each company has there own name for this process. For example, Samsung's feature is called AMP for Auto Motion Plus. This feature takes the screen and interpolates the image to provide a smoother picture to reduce judder.

Does the motion enhancement provide a more satisfactory picture? Again this is open to debate. Motion enhancement at its best provides a noticeably smoother, stable picture, free of jutter, motion blur and ghosting. Some describe gaming in 120Hz as making a 30 frames per second game look like a 60 frames per second game, while others are mesmerized by the ability to make sports and movies look live and 3D-like.

At its worst motion enhancement, especially during fast motion can introduce split second glitches in the picture called artifacts which can obviously be distracting. Others feel that while documentary type shows like Planet Earth can provide stunning stable live action shots, that motion enhancement takes away from the cinematic feel of movies by providing an almost too realistic, live tv or soap opera feel instead of a cinematic experience.

It is important to point out that motion enhancement can be turned on or off, so if you prefer to watch a movie without the motion enhancement you can simply turn it off.

For the time being the choice to go with a 120Hz LCD flat screen tv is purely one of personal choice and budget. Keep in mind that this is a very new technology and as with all new technologies there are still some things that need to be perfected. There is little debate that 120Hz is the wave of the future and that technology will only improve over time. If price is not of primary concern or if you can spare the extra dollars in an attempt to future proof your tv purchase then it would seem to make perfect sense to go with the additional features and benefits that a 120Hz LCD flat screen tv can offer. If price is a primary factor and you are working on a limited budget then one of the standard models would be a fine choice until the 120Hz models are perfected.

For a review of some of the LCD HDTV leaders check out the Samsung HD TV review and the Sharp Aquos HD TV review at

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ERP Software Selection

Enterprise resource planning is a business management system that integrates all facets of the business, including planning, manufacturing, sales and marketing. All functional departments that are involved in operations or production are integrated in one system.

Since ERP packages are not designed to support customization, most businesses implement the best practices embedded in the acquired ERP system. Customizing an ERP package can be very expensive and complicated. The move to ERP is a project of breathtaking scope, and the selection of software is of critical importance. ERP software installation has many variables such as, the number of divisions it will serve, the number of modules installed, the amount of integration that will be required with existing systems, the readiness of the company to change and the ambition of the project.

The software selection is based on the processes in the concerned organization. As such, the functionality should be well defined. In case of a manufacturing unit, the core business would obviously be manufacturing, and software that is specific to such an organization should be chosen. The software that is designed for discrete manufacturing may not suit process manufacturing.

Some ERP packages are very generic in their reports and inquiries, and customization is expected in every implementation. In such cases, third party reporting packages that interface well to particular ERP should be purchased. Companies also have a choice of web-based ERP systems that require no client side installation and are cross-platform and centrally maintained. These systems can be accessed through web browsers.

The ERP software attempts to integrate all departments and functions across a company onto a single computer system. This integrated approach can have a tremendous payback if companies install the software correctly.

ERP Software provides detailed information on ERP Software, ERP Software Solutions, ERP Software Companies, Manufacturing ERP Software and more. ERP Software is affiliated with HR Software Solutions.

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