Three Things You Can Do to Save Energy Bills This Winter

Every month, we get a bill from Electricity Company. We pay in order to keep using electricity at our home. Because its been that way, we tend to think its the way of our life. But what if we do not have to pay to use electricity?

There have been a number of sources to use alternative energies such as Sun, Wind and Water. Technology has been improved to make things easier and cheaper to implement to our life. For example, solar panels now do not cost fortune to put on our roofs.

And there are tax incentives you can apply to your local government as well.

But before you go further to D.I.Y. Solar or ask local solar dealer for estimate, there are three things you can try right away to save energy=save money this winter.

First, you want to understand some facts about heat transfer. Heat goes to cooler side, for example, heat on the inside wants to go outdoors.

If you have a thick wall in between, and no door, no windows, heat transfer would be very slow. So what you want to find is where are the energy losses.

Simply walk through your home, find obvious energy losses. Such as air leaks and drafts can take up 5 to 30 percent of your home's energy. Look for temperature differences around windows, doors, fireplace dampers, attic hatches, and window air conditioners.

To avoid heat leak, insulation, caulking and weather stripping are recommended.

Second, check if your light bulbs (including Christmas Tree Lights!) are using LED lights. When you buy them, buy by their lumen's and life expectancy rather than wattage. Switch incandescent bulbs with new compact fluorescent bulbs-can last 10 times longer and "a quarter of the electricity".

Third, only use fans (in bathroom and kitchen) when necessary as they take warm air out of your home.

Checking for heat leaks, changing bulbs and watching for fan usage may look small tasks but you will notice your energy bill gets smaller right way. Then next step is to go a little bigger thing like applying solar panels at your home etc.

But first, try them this winter, you will be amazed how comfortable your home will be and easy to save extra bucks on your bill.

AyG has been living in Cold climate for a few years when she found out about Alternative Energy option. She has tried a couple of tips and amazed about the big result. You can check more tips and videos on Solar Electricity at:

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