How to Copy PS3 Games - Copy PS3 Games Effortlessly

If you're like me, you love your Ps3 and of course the multitude of Ps3 games that you can play. The game play is awesome, the sound play is fantastic and the Ps3 console looks space age, what more could you want? Well as impressive as the Ps3 is there is one slight drawback and that's the format that the games are delivered in, disk! While disks are easy to carry around because they're so slim and light the one drawback is that they are very easy to damage. A little scratch can effectively destroy your Ps3 game and at around $100 a pop that makes it a very expensive coaster!

Luckily thanks to some very bright people, there is now a way that you can Copy Ps3 Games so that you can make backups of your favorite games and you can safely keep the original away in a safe place. If you are like me and have brothers and sisters who love playing on the Ps3 when you are not around and you know that being careful with your game disks is way at the back of their mind then learning how to copy ps3 games could be for you.

There is now some software that lets you copy ps3 games easily and effortlessly at the push of a button. I'll give you a quick rundown of what you need to. Firstly you need to get a hold of a copy of the software that we recommend (check the site below), once you have installed it all you need to do then is to insert you chosen Ps3 game disk and then launch the software. The software will then read the disk and once you press a button it will begin to make an image of the game on your PC. Once then image has been completed then it is just a matter of inserting your blank disk into your PC and there you have it! You have just made a copy of your Ps3 game.

The reality is that it is that easy to copy Ps3 games, so take a look at the site below and you too can be on your way to making safe and secure backups of your Ps3 games.

For more information on how you can Copy Ps3 Games please look at our How To Copy Ps3 Games site .

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