3D Models and Their Uses

3D or three dimensional models are used for a variety of purposes. Surgeons and filmmakers are only two of the many professions that use 3D models on a regular basis. 3D models are created by mapping various coordinates in a 3D space.

Medical professionals use detailed 3D models of organs to teach medical students, outline and plan surgical intervention as well as demonstrate procedures to students and patients. Plastic surgeons use detailed software to create 3D models of the body to demonstrate a "before and after" to the potential patient.

There are two types of 3D models: Solid and Shell. Solid models define the volume of the 3D model are solid, such as piece of stone. Solid 3D models may be used in many engineering models. They are used for simulations that are non-visual. Shell 3D models are more diverse and contain the outer layer, and represent the surface of a 3D model. Shell 3D models are used within film making and video game creation to allow the user to manipulate the model as needed.

3D models have many benefits over traditional 2D models, such as: the flexibility that is offered with the use of 3D models - we can change angles, or create animated imaged much quicker than using two dimensional models. 3D models combined with software enable us to make instant calculations. This is one of the reasons why 3D models are increasing in popularity with earth scientists and engineers. Lastly, 3D models allow us to have a concise picture of an object which allows for higher levels of accuracy when building, designing or figuring. Additionally, 3D models have the benefit of becoming easily animated to see all facets of a structure or object. It is this feature, the ability of 3D models to be turned on a sphere, from the middle point that has increased the functionality of the renderings.

3D Model use in Graphic Design

3D models are used widely in graphic designs that contain 3D animations. A graphic is created by a coordination of points on a chart. A model does not become a graphic until it has been visually displayed by animation and rendering. There are three parts to creating a 3D model within a graphic design. First, 3D modeling occurs in which a shape is given to an object using the coordination points. These points are graphed onto a chart. In the case of graphic designs, the majority of models will be shell models which can be easily manipulated for size and shape.

Next, layout and animations occur which give can give movement to the object within its scene. Next comes the process of rendering, rendering the 3D object refers to creation of images from that particular object. This particular step gives the spacing between the image and the scene in which it is found it with by special measurements. Layout determines how the object is going to move over time, and if any change will occur within the object.

Rendering is the process in which the animation is taken from a 3d model to a graphic. It includes the visualization of an image that can be manipulated with style or light. Rendering has two basic processes: these are, scattering and transport. Scattering defines how the surface of the object will interact with the light and transport defines the process of how light will get to one place or another. There are two ways that a 3D image can be implemented into a software program. It can be created by the program, or another design program, or the image can be scanned into the computer with scanning software.

After a model has been rendered, it is easily transformed to 2D to ease the editing process, but the process of creating a 3D model from a 2D means the three step creation process must occur; (modeling, layout and rendering).

3D Model Use in the Medical Field

More than likely, the most familiar 3D models in the medical field can be seen on a visit to the local Doctor's office. Within that office there are 3D structures of organs, from the heart and lungs to the digestive or skeletal system. These models are used for teaching anatomy or medical students, or used to demonstrate abnormality, disease or procedures to patients. Although the organs lie inside the body, the 3D models give the patient an opportunity to visualize the organ in the correct manner.

Software has made it possible for surgeons to create surgical plans, and be assisted throughout the procedure. Specific software renders 3D images of the organs that are to be operated upon. These medical 3D models are accurate in size and shape but some also in detail - even texture. The models are created as similar to organs as possible. This feature allows surgeons to learn, before assisting with a procedure on a human body, to know the feel of an organ. Specific textures and materials are used to create 3D heart models, as the heart is certainly not made from hard plastic. Some specialists, such as plastic surgeons render 3D models to allow the patient to visualize the results of specific surgeries. In this process, a picture is taken of the patient, or, a personalized 3D model is created through the use of software based on specific measurements and coordinates to create the desired changes, and visualize these changes - instantly!

3D models have become valuable teaching tools. Many websites allow the user the opportunity to gain valuable insight into the inner working of organ through 3D models. These models are beneficial to students in a secondary school level, all the way to students in a Medical Doctor program. The accuracy is pristine and the renderings allow familiarity, and are easier to learn than a two dimensional image on a page.

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Console Wars - Wii Vs Xbox 360 Vs PS3

The current generation of console wars would have to be one of the most interesting in wars the history of the industry. Gone are the days of the original Playstation dominating the industry with 80 million consoles sold and gone are the days of the 1 vs 1 nature of the 16 bit era. There are three major players in this generation and perhaps most interestingly, the power house corporations throwing hundreds of millions into advertising are behind.

The PS3 is in serious trouble a year into it's life. While many argue it is the most impressive of the three when you take into account it's amazing power, it still finds itself 10 million consoles behind the Wii worldwide, while still trailing the xbox 360 by about 7 million units. Even though Sony boasts that the PS3 is the cheapest Blu-Ray player on the market, sales have indicated that the average consumer wasn't willing to pay the huge asking price upon release and elected to purchase the pure gaming machines in the Wii and 360 instead. Magazines such as PC World and GamesRadar have both slammed the machine for being "late, expensive and imcomplete" and the biggest game related PR disaster respectively.

The Xbox 360 was the first to launch late 2006. Many would argue the xbox 360 is the furthest behind when you take into account the fact that it launched a year before the other two consoles... and if you compare PS3 sales to the sales of the 360 at the same age, this is true. The question becomes can the PS3 sustain it and catch the 360? The Xbox 360 has accumulated a loyal fan base and for this reason developers are producing games for both the 360 and PS3 that would have been an exclusive for the PS2 in the previous generation. This alone, in the end could be a killer blow for the PS3.

The Wii was without a doubt the underdog before it's release. Not many would have predicted the huge success the Wii would be when you looked at the two gaming giants it was up against: Microsoft and Sony. However, a year into it's release, the Wii find's itself way ahead of the pack, taping into the apparent unbelievable potential of the casual gamer. The Wii's appeal is it's ability to get people who have never touched a video game in their life to have a go. This has seen housewives, and even grandparents purchase a Wii for their very own... and may be the reason why the Wii has sold 50% more consoles than the PS3 in the same period of time.

The new generation has also seen the creation of many online download sites out there. This is becoming more of a reality as technology gets better due to the super fast internet connections most have today. Some are legal and decent services, but others can just be in it to take your money. Check out my review (link below) of one of them I recommend if you want to download games for your next gen console.

Brett Ranton is an obsessive gamer and owner of all consoles. He's also creator and owner of the blog "Wii Want to Blog." This blog aims to supply consumers with reviews, news and opinion pieces on the Wii or software/hardware available for it.

Wii Want to Blog

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Nintendo Wii and Arthritis Benefits

Physicians around the world and makers of the Nintendo Wii might be onto something new. Senior citizens and those with arthritis are in need of physical activity in order to maintain a healthy, active, less pain filled life. Movement of the joints is known to promote strength which is supposed to stretch tendons and muscles and help bone structure which could lessen the affects of arthritis.

Many Physical Therapists have decided to invest in Nintendo Wii gaming systems in order to give their patients a motivational way of exercising. The Wii uses a motion sensor control which means that the gamer has to move around in order to play the game. Not only is this a fun way to play, but it beats the same boring step aerobic and joint exercise routines that can lead to bored patients.

Many senior citizens that tried playing the Nintendo Wii found it quite interesting. They thought that it was both fun and beneficial. Scientists made control groups to see the outcome of how the Nintendo Wii could help arthritis patients. While the results aren't in yet, the fact that these people are up and moving around, enjoying an active life style a couple of hours a week is a definite plus and pain didn't even seem to be a factor for them when playing various Wii games such as bowling. There were many that worried that technology would be a factor and that senior citizens wouldn't be able to get the hang of it. Fortunately, no one seemed to have a problem.

If the Wii is found to have positive affects on arthritis pain, we could be looking into a whole new era of treatment for those in need. All of the physical activity needed to play the Wii reduces joint and muscle stiffness. Encouragement is needed factor in order to get senior citizens into a active daily life, especially when they deal with pain on a daily basis. The fact that the Nintendo Will offers fun on top of exercise seems to be inspiration enough. I think Wii had the right, and possibly the best, idea yet hands down.

The Author is doing more research on the effects of the Nintendo Wii on various ailments such as Arthritis

Okami Wii Official Strategy Guide
ATI Graphics Buy Wii Games

Find a Prototyping Solution

A solution is the result of the method or process of finding the answer to a problem. A business is a complex system that, simply put, needs to constantly find solutions to problems tied to productivity and cost. Now, each business has a product. It may a tangible product that needs to be manufactured, or it may be a service that in turn offers a solution to another individual or business problem.

In the case of products that need to be manufactured, the problems are still tied to costs, productivity and efficiency. In short, when it comes to producing products, the development process needs to be done in the shortest amount of time and money with the assurance of increasing the business' bottom line.

However, the process of development can be very tedious. Many prototypes can be made to refine a product before it is even produced and launched. Creating prototypes is a problem in itself because of the amount of effort and time it can potentially consume. This is why the solution to this problem was to utilize computer aided designs or CAD, where one can create the design using virtual 3D models on screen to test a product.

This though, obviously has its limitations and the solution to that is a machine that manufactures prototypes. In fact, there are many prototyping solutions providers that offer the answer to all prototyping needs. These solutions are made possible by machines that are compact and easy to use, which manufacture prototypes. These machines that manufacture prototypes simulates the production process for your products without the use of complicated, large scale mechanisms.

These machines produce prototypes based on a computer aided design. This way, you are able to transform your virtual design into actual 3D models and you can test the feasibility of your design and product.

Check out various prototype solutions provider to be able to find one that suits your specifications and needs. Generally, you should choose a prototype solutions provider that will be able to give a cost effective, compact machine that manufactures prototypes easily inside the design engineers' workspace.

Whether your designs are for manufacturing digital products, automotive systems, industrial, medical, and other fields, the right prototype solutions provider will give provide your with a state of the art machine that manufactures prototypes for all your prototyping needs directly from your 3D CAD system. This way, your design engineers can test the prototypes quickly, efficiently and cost effectively.

Low Jeremy maintains http://prototyping.articlesforreprint.com This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.

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LCD Flat Screen TV - Are 120Hz LCD Flat Screen TVs Worth The Extra Money?

If you have been looking at buying an LCD flat screen tv, no doubt you have read about the 120Hz models. You are probably wondering if the 120Hz models are worth the extra cost. The value of the 120hz feature has been widely debated in recent months. There are a number of things to consider before making your decision.

In the early days of the LCD vs Plasma tv wars, one of the biggest drawbacks to purchasing an LCD tv was that they were prone to motion blur and a somewhat choppy picture, especially in times when there was a lot of fast action such as sports or in movie scenes such as car chases. Although there has been a great deal of improvement over the years in the tvs ability to handle fast motion, LCD is still battling the stigma of not having as smooth of a picture as plasmas.

Enter the 120Hz tv. As a direct response, LCD manufacturers have incorporated 120Hz tvs into their newest tv models. These tvs have refresh rates that are twice as fast as the "standard" 60Hz models.

Those who are supporters of the 120Hz technology claim that the picture is noticeably smoother with crystal clear clarity, especially during fast action scenes or sports. Another benefit is the ability to produce an almost 3D-like picture.

On the other hand, others say that they can't notice a difference when comparing side to side with the "standard" 60Hz models. They feel that the 120Hz models are simply marketing gimmicks to sell higher priced tv.

So who is right? As usual there is a middle ground. Put simply, a 120Hz tv will take a standard 60Hz signal and simply replicate it twice which by itself does little to enhance the picture quality. The real difference is made when applying a video processing feature for motion enhancement. Each company has there own name for this process. For example, Samsung's feature is called AMP for Auto Motion Plus. This feature takes the screen and interpolates the image to provide a smoother picture to reduce judder.

Does the motion enhancement provide a more satisfactory picture? Again this is open to debate. Motion enhancement at its best provides a noticeably smoother, stable picture, free of jutter, motion blur and ghosting. Some describe gaming in 120Hz as making a 30 frames per second game look like a 60 frames per second game, while others are mesmerized by the ability to make sports and movies look live and 3D-like.

At its worst motion enhancement, especially during fast motion can introduce split second glitches in the picture called artifacts which can obviously be distracting. Others feel that while documentary type shows like Planet Earth can provide stunning stable live action shots, that motion enhancement takes away from the cinematic feel of movies by providing an almost too realistic, live tv or soap opera feel instead of a cinematic experience.

It is important to point out that motion enhancement can be turned on or off, so if you prefer to watch a movie without the motion enhancement you can simply turn it off.

For the time being the choice to go with a 120Hz LCD flat screen tv is purely one of personal choice and budget. Keep in mind that this is a very new technology and as with all new technologies there are still some things that need to be perfected. There is little debate that 120Hz is the wave of the future and that technology will only improve over time. If price is not of primary concern or if you can spare the extra dollars in an attempt to future proof your tv purchase then it would seem to make perfect sense to go with the additional features and benefits that a 120Hz LCD flat screen tv can offer. If price is a primary factor and you are working on a limited budget then one of the standard models would be a fine choice until the 120Hz models are perfected.

For a review of some of the LCD HDTV leaders check out the Samsung HD TV review and the Sharp Aquos HD TV review at http://familyhometheaterguide.com

The Family Home Theater Guide is an informative guide to home theater, with a particular emphasis on family entertainment.

computer graphics
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ERP Software Selection

Enterprise resource planning is a business management system that integrates all facets of the business, including planning, manufacturing, sales and marketing. All functional departments that are involved in operations or production are integrated in one system.

Since ERP packages are not designed to support customization, most businesses implement the best practices embedded in the acquired ERP system. Customizing an ERP package can be very expensive and complicated. The move to ERP is a project of breathtaking scope, and the selection of software is of critical importance. ERP software installation has many variables such as, the number of divisions it will serve, the number of modules installed, the amount of integration that will be required with existing systems, the readiness of the company to change and the ambition of the project.

The software selection is based on the processes in the concerned organization. As such, the functionality should be well defined. In case of a manufacturing unit, the core business would obviously be manufacturing, and software that is specific to such an organization should be chosen. The software that is designed for discrete manufacturing may not suit process manufacturing.

Some ERP packages are very generic in their reports and inquiries, and customization is expected in every implementation. In such cases, third party reporting packages that interface well to particular ERP should be purchased. Companies also have a choice of web-based ERP systems that require no client side installation and are cross-platform and centrally maintained. These systems can be accessed through web browsers.

The ERP software attempts to integrate all departments and functions across a company onto a single computer system. This integrated approach can have a tremendous payback if companies install the software correctly.

ERP Software provides detailed information on ERP Software, ERP Software Solutions, ERP Software Companies, Manufacturing ERP Software and more. ERP Software is affiliated with HR Software Solutions.

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Wireless Home Speakers - Best Living Room Addition

Is your living room a little large? And are you using hardwood flooring? If so, then you must be one of the people who detest running wires around. But if you want to install a home theater, how else could you possibly setup your set of speakers?

Surround is the best complement of a plasma or LCD TV spanning 52 inches wide or more. Would you run wires towards the back of the room just for the sake of quality, cinematic sound? You surely wouldn't, if you have another choice. Well you do have one - wireless home speakers.

The rear speakers are really the most difficult set to put up in a complete surround system. It's forgivable to wire two left and right speakers on the front. But if the setup calls for a six feet cable to run from the center of the living room all the way to the back, no homeowner with hard wood floor and concrete walls would be too happy.

This is where wireless home speakers come in. With these cool devices, you can forget all about the wires. You can also rest your mind about people tripping over your living room with all the clutter the cables had produced. The only thing you should be concerned about is the power outlet for the speakers. That's the only wire you have to think about. Then everything else becomes clutter-free.

In a wireless speaker setup, the remote speakers are equipped with a wireless adapter. It could be a dongle, an antenna, or an integrated device. Either way, its job is to receive the signal emitted by the central unit. When installed optimally, seamless operation will be enjoyed. That means crisp, true-to-life sound for you.

The speakers would let you enjoy sound like you want it - and absolutely no hassles at that. Cables are going to be your least concern right now. There's no need to renovate your homes now just to accommodate the wires that you need to setup a surround system. Isn't this a very convenient solution?

Find the latest information about wireless home speakers and how to find the best rated wireless speakers on the market for your home at wireless speakers reviewed.

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The Cell - A Revolution In 3d Rendering And Graphic Applications

The Cell Broadband Engine is a distributed computer processor capable of running instructions at upwards of 200 gigaflops or 200 trillion instructions per second. Although these would be fairly simple instructions, the speed of the Cell means it can process very complex information faster because it would break it down, process elements, then reassemble the finished product faster than a normal processor.

One possible future for the Cell is in the avenue of a render farm for 3d and computer animated films and television shows.

Here's how it would possibly work:

  • Get 6 PS3's
  • link them together with a 8 port high-speed ethernet switch capable of running 1000 base-t or gigabit ethernet speed. Connect a Linux computer to the 7th port.
  • 8th port of the switch goes to high-speed internet.
  • Load a software application on the linux pc that can coordinate a distributed computing environment
  • Load a node application onto each PS3's linux kernel so they can run code sent from the central computer.

Then all that is needed is to run the program to begin the render engine. Load it with the frameset and let it pass the data onto the PS3 network so the Cell processors can go to work. The Cell is designed for graphical rendering and scaled linear data computing, which makes it nearly perfect for graphic processes of the type that a render farm would be best suited for.

A current project that would work for the Cell is BURP (Big and Ugly Render Project) as it is designed for both distributed computing and will run on the Linux kernel.
By setting graphic files in a format able to be read by the Blender graphic program, they could be sent through BURP and processed by a dedicated PS3 network, and the resulting finished frames sent back to the central machine for assembly into a finished Computer Generated Animation.

The possibilities for the Cell are endless, but this is one that we expect to see within the next 12-18 months. I would be very surprised if this does not happen.

Tim Morrison is a founding member of Morristreet.com, a technology company developed to bridge the gap between virtual and real worlds in the realm of 3d. Our goal is to be able to produce a 3d image on the computer and then produce it as a physical object - no matter what the complexity or detail involved. In this vein, we keep track of anything in relation to 3D imagery that can bring our goals closer, be it gaming consoles that can do more than play games, hardware imaging solutions, or software that can make our lives easier. Real World 3D is coming, Morristreet is in the lead!

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Talking About Architectural Rendering

Architectural rendering basically refers to preparing and presenting a proposed design of a building structure so that the person who is responsible for constructing the building can easily approve the design. The presentation of the design can be done for a commercial as well as residential unit. In old days, the architects and designers would draft a designed by just making outline sketches of the various parts of the building with their dimension or specifications. Also, each adjacent room would be represented in the form of simple block diagram.

With the existence of computer aided design and multimedia related architectural techniques, there has been a vast change in presenting schemes for new developments to planning officers and potential buyers. Suppose you are applying for a planning permission and so when you use a 3D rendering technology, you can then enjoy the benefit of showing people what your development will really look like when it gets completed. A computer generated architectural rendering are specific in their presentations and they even use real life textures, materials, color and finishes. A computer generated architectural rendering also called as photo real rendering are used for purposes relating to still renderings, panoramic renderings, virtual tours etc.

In the past, it was difficult to communicate the exact designs and the shades of colors to the architect and then to expect the output as per your style. Now, with architectural rendering, it has now become possible to give expression to your subject which you always dreamt of. Through various combinations of architectural rendering techniques on the computer screen, now it is possible to give realistic shapes to your visual presentation based on what you require in a building. Once you see the final picture, you can get a clear idea if the final output matches with your actual requirement. You could also make the necessary changes if needed.

A computer architectural rendering service are mainly designed to meet the needs of architects, house builders, developers, planning consultants and property marketing agencies. Though a 3D rendering service, it becomes easy to change the surface materials whenever required. So, after making the necessary modification, by using a range of different building materials, you can finally see what the development will actually look like. In order to create accuracy, 3D renderings, use topographical surveys and site plans as reference points. With this information, actual slab heights and roof lines can be created for visual representation purpose. Also, 3D renderings can be used for the purpose of marketing and sales. This is done by adding a higher level of aesthetic detail to the architectural renderings, such as people on the balconies, cars in the driveways and landscaped gardens etc. All this attributes will help to create powerful selling visuals that inspire confidence and desired in potential buyers. The 3D architectural renderings can be certainly considered as a cost effective solution.

The 3D computer architectural rendering service incorporates powerful conceptual tools into the required design process. With 3D architectural rendering service, one show roads, landscaping, neighborhood, required ambience and also multiple design options can be explored and resolved before the actual building begins. So, a computer architectural rendering can easily customized a given construction plan based on specific client requirements, much before the actual construction take place in reality.

Architectural Rendering and Architectural Visualization are great marketing tool for Architects and Developers to be used for pre-construction properties.

3d art

3 Tips For Digital Photo Printing

With all the pictures we take, learning digital photo printing is essential. If we don't learn the best way to to do it then the pictures we print will look less than wonderful. Many people who still prefer to take traditional pictures with its limited number of shots available, and the expense of film and developing, do so because they claim that digital cameras just can't take pictures as good as a regular camera. But chances are, they're just not taking the best pictures they could, and they're setting everything up properly before they print.

Free online photo sharing services are excellent for letting you choose the photos you want printed without you having to actually do any of the printing work. But you'll want your photos to look fantastic before you order and pay for digital photo printing, so that you end up with a product that looks great. And if you're printing the photos yourself, you'll want good photos to work with to minimize your own frustration with the process, which can be daunting, especially if you've never done it before.

A number of things can lead to low-quality digital photo printing, not the least of which is taking poor pictures to start with. But assuming your photos aren't poor, there are some things you can do beyond learning to use your camera and following some basic good photography principles to take great shots.

Some digital shots can look fine even they're not the greatest quality. Digital photo printing, however, will show every flaw. There are ways to minimize and eliminate these flaws right from the start.

  • Take the highest resolution shots possible. All but the most basic cameras offer choices in this area. For the highest quality digital photo printing, choose the highest resolution. For great looking wallet-sized photos, or larger album-sizes photos, up to a 5 x 7 print, use a resolution of at least 2 megapixels. For larger photos like 8 x 10, use a minimum resolution of 3 megapixels. These will make the shots sharper and clearer
  • Make sure your camera and your imaging software is set to save these photos in TIFF format. While JPEG is common and great for photos you're putting online or sending through email, because it compresses the image and makes the file smaller, TIFF pictures are much larger because they retain all the detail in the photo. For printing, TIFF format is highly superior to JPEG, which loses the fine detail in the compression process.
  • When you've downloaded your pictures on to your computer, use the software that came with your camera or a separate image program to enhance the photographs for the best digital photo printing experience possible. Touch them up like a professional by removing red eye, blemishes and anything else you wish. Most photo programs have extensive instructions to help you do these things. You can change adjust the lighting in the picture, even alter the color a little, soften the edges and add any kind of special effects that appeal.

MJ Johnston writes for a variety of websites, including Digitalphotoalbumsite.com, a photo site that offers advice on the quickest and easiest way to build a digital photo album, as well as a free online photo album.

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Creating Laser Checks With MICR Toner

Using check paper to create laser checks is quite interesting. All that is required in addition is a laser printer using MICR toner and the rest is up to technology. Many people wonder what the big deal is if they have a laser printer and laser toner why they cannot print laser checks. In addition, the answer is that the MICR toner is specialized and contains iron oxide. This allows electronic bank processing equipment to "read" the bank line information and laser toner cannot provide that. The toners are not very different in makeup except for the fact that the HP MICR toner has a minimum of 50 perfect or more of iron oxide to meet the standards set forth by the ANSI.

There are many benefits to using a MICR laser check system. The first benefit that many appreciate is the MICR toner makes the laser checks more secure. Another reason is that overall cost is reduced. This occurs because there is no inventory needed nor is there a need for control over a checkbook since there is not one. Risk of theft or loss is much lower with laser checks. Not to mention laser checks are really simple to create. All that is required is entering the information that should be printed on the check and clicking the "print" button. The necessary information like logos, payee data, signatures, MICR line, and bank identification will all be printed. It is super easy to change bank account information, too, so there is no need to have a bunch of checks on file or to shred old checks. The risk of check fraud is significantly lower as well and this alone is a big reason why many people and companies switch to MICR toner.

MICR simply means Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. It allows for documents to be machine-readable and for them to be processed quickly. MICR toner is not only used to print checks but also other documents that are negotiable. These are the basics of MICR toner and the benefits it offers to users. Companies interested in saving money as well as reducing check fraud should look into MICR toner and using it in their laser printers. The expense is low and it will certainly pay off in the long run. Do a little research online about MICR to learn more about what it is, how it works, and additional benefits and you will see that it truly is your best option.

Caitlina Fuller is a freelance writer. Using check paper to create laser checks is quite interesting. All that is required in addition is a laser printer using MICR toner and the rest is up to technology. Many people wonder what the big deal is if they have a laser printer and laser toner why they cannot print laser checks. In addition, the answer is that the MICR is specialized and contains iron oxide.

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Frat Party Games - Beer Pong For Wii

A new game called "Frat Party Games: Beer Pong" is being developed for the Nintendo Wii. The hilarious part about this game, besides it being a beer pong game, is that the game was given a T rating (as in 13 and up) by the Video Game Ratings Commission.

JV Games Vice President Jag Jaeger gave a very thought provoking response to all of the criticisms, saying that "The game "BEER pong" was never about alcohol, but rather the growing sport that has developed around BEER pong. There's even a World Series of BEER Pong that is held in Las Vegas where contestants vie for $50,000 in prize money."

"The thing is, it's becoming a really well-known sport." - Jag Jaeger

Yeah... Basically he's just explained how this is a well known sport for ADULTS IN VEGAS... So lets market it to kids, right... Also, what do you think they spend that $50,000 prize money on? More cups and ping pong balls?

To make matters even more hilarious, the Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal who was downright outraged, successfully got JV Games to change the name of the game to "Pong Toss". Uhh... Why not just give the game a higher rating, that's all people are complaining about. We don't care if someone makes a game called "Beer Pong" or "Sex Lessons" for the Wii just don't market it to an age that it's obviously not appropriate for.

Changing the name is as silly as marketing it to teens in the first place. Along with changing the name they've cleverly decided to remove all references to beer in the game and title. Problem solved! Because we all know 13 - 20 year olds are just way to dumb to figure out that the game is about beer... Or to figure out that it was previously named "Beer Pong".

Yes, it's all pretty ridiculous, but on the plus side, if you're over 21, now you don't have to buy ping pong balls or cups or even a table! Just get a Wii, the Pong Toss game, some Beer and you're pretty much set for life!

For more Nintendo Wii News and Reviews on Nintendo Wii Games, visit the Wii Ark.

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Wii Consoles Buying Guide

Today everyone has the craze of buying Wii consoles. It is really surprised to know that about 20,000,000 Wii consoles have been sold worldwide at the end of the year 2007. If you want to buy Wii console, you need to know the way and the place from where you can buy it easily. It is very difficult to buy Wii console from the retail store because their speed in supplying it very slow and many retail stores are selling it at high prices. The best way to buy the Wii console is through online where you can place bet according to your own estimated budget. There are some best online places from where you can buy Wii console.

1: eBay:

eBay is the most reliable place to buy Wii games or consoles. You can find your desired Wii console in reasonable prices easily and eBay also delivers you this product on constant supply to your home. eBay is the best place that always throws a lasting impression on customers and you will not feel any hesitation to express positive feedback about the services of the eBay while dealing with it.

2: Amazon:

Amazon is also a safe and fast place to buy Wii console. On the site of Amazon, you can also buy Wii console safely from their party sellers as well. Amazon is to be good place for those who do not want like the services of the eBay.

3: Specialized Sale Websites for Wii Consoles:

If you search best Wii console dealers from the famous search engines and if you want to buy Wii games, you can find comprehensive list of the top ranking dealers of selling Wii consoles. It is easier to deal with these reputed sellers. You should try to get all the detailed information about the recent statistics of the Wii console before buying from these websites.

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Men's Dress Shirts and Suits - The Importance of Proper Fit

The Importance of Proper Fit

Men's dress clothes should always be comfortable. If they are not, it is the fault of the clothes' fit, and not of their nature. If the fit of a garment makes its wearer uncomfortable, he will look it; indeed a man looks his best when his clothes fit so well he barely notices them. A man's clothes send a message to the world about him, and if they fit him well, he will always make a good impression.

Unfortunately most men today wear poorly fitting clothes; it's not their fault though, as that the clothing sold in stores is cut to fit as many people as possible. When buying a garment the retailer is often of little help, as that the department stores rarely have a salesman on staff that has a deep understanding of menswear. Thus as in so many things it falls to each man to take responsibility for the fit of his own clothes and not to be swayed by the prolific selection of poor choices or the dubious influence of models or salesmen.

Proper Fit - Men's Dress Shirt

A dress shirt's yoke or shoulders should cover a man's shoulders and nothing more; the shoulder point should not extend down his sleeves. As for the sleeves, you want a shirt with enough fabric so that when you rotate your arms and hold them out from your sides all of your arm remains covered; close fitting cuffs will help with this. You want anywhere from 3 to 6 inches of play in both your stomach and chest areas, and the shirt should be long enough so that when you bend over it doesn't un-tuck from the back or sides. Finally, the neck collar, when buttoned, should be tight enough to fit no more than two fingers in the space between collar and skin.

Proper Fit - Men's Suit Jacket

A jacket must fit correctly in the chest and shoulders, as that these are very difficult to alter and in some situations downright impossible to adjust. When you stand with your jacket buttoned and arms hanging at your sides, the jacket's lapels should lie flat against the front panels, the buttons should hang close to or rest lightly on your stomach, and your biceps should just barely break the drape of sleeve from shoulder. If you tug on the top button, you should have enough room to easily slide your hand in between your lapels and chest, but not enough room so you can slide in your fist. As for your stomach, you should not be able to see it pull more than 3 inches from your belly. Of course, all of this depends on the fit you feel comfortable with. Sleeve length should end at about the wrist, although the exact point is also a matter of taste. As for the relationship between the shirt and the jacket: The shirt's cuffs should protrude approximately inch from the jacket's sleeves when you stand with arms hanging. The shirt's collar should protrude about -1 inch above the jacket collar, with both of them slightly touching.

Proper Fit - Men's Trousers

Pants or trousers should be worn at the natural waist, near the navel. Young people with flat stomachs may choose to wear them lower but they gain little in doing so. The man with a belly, on the other hand, looks much better with high-rise trousers draping from his middle than with his stomach spilling over a low-rise waistband; for this he should consider suspenders. Trouser bottoms should touch the upper part of your the front of the shoes and should brush the top edge of the sole at the shoe back; a single break in the front is considered perfect by most, but shorter pant legs that just brush the tops of the shoes can look better on the shorter man. Shorter men tend to do better without cuffs on their trousers, but should they want them they should be in proportion to their stature.

How to get the perfect fit?

Off-the-rack clothing is designed for the hypothetical male model - for each brand, this person's dimensions change a bit, but unfortunately his measurements are never very close to yours. How does a man get a proper fit?

Find a good Tailor - A good tailor can do wonders for clothing that somewhat fits you. They can bring in waists, shorten sleeves, and open up room in the stomach after the holidays. The limit here is that they can often only alter an imperfect garment; in the end it is still imperfect.

Invest in Custom Clothing - Notice I use the term invest; this is because owning clothing that is made to compliment your features is a smart move for any man. The beauty of custom clothing is that it is designed with your measurements; by its very nature it will fit you better than anything else in your closet, and as a result will look better than anything you've ever worn.

It is a wonderful feeling to wear garments that fit you perfectly. One feels light and comfortable as the clothes seem to float around the body, neither heavy nor tight anywhere but rather resting evenly throughout. A man in clothing that fits him is confident in his appearance and free to focus on the task at hand.

To read more articles on men's fashion, go to http://www.atailoredsuit.com and visit the style guide.

Antonio Centeno is president of A Tailored Suit, an online American boutique fine-clothing merchant specializing in bespoke men's suits, shirts, jackets, and overcoats. The company's mission is to help men create the clothing that best enhances their individual style. Antonio has studied men's clothing design in London, Hong Kong, and Bangkok, and he is a former US Marine with an MBA from UT Austin and a BA from Cornell College.

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Desktop Management Software

Desktop management software is a computer program or computer programs which serve to place all the controls of a network in one station, for maximum efficiency of networking. Desktop management software is an absolute necessity for those businesses that have ambitious expansion plans. As a network administrator, you have to have full control over your companys computer system. With the proliferation of the concept of remote workers, desktop management software is gaining importance. Your system may be exposed to the onslaught of harmful viruses, and only sophisticated desktop management software can shield computers from that menace.

Corporate computers often come under severe attacks by unauthorized software and corporate mergers and acquisitions. It is becomes extremely difficult for any network administrator to track all the developments and come up with a viable, combative strategy. The safety and privacy of any company is at risk whenever an employee tries to install any unauthorized software because harmful virus can enter the system.

Desktop management software helps you take control of the entire process. The software protects your data from being manipulated. Desktop management software is instrumental in enhancing control over computer desktops. If you want to increase the productivity of your remote employees, there are hundreds of desktop management software programs that are dependable and cost effective. Utilizing remote control tools, administrators can easily access computers, eliminating in-house visits to networked computers and fix the problem from anywhere in the world.

Desktop management software usually helps administrators take care of the hardware and software components of any computer from a central location.

Desktop Management provides detailed information on Desktop Management, Desktop Management Interface, Remote Desktop Management, Desktop Management Software and more. Desktop Management is affiliated with 3D Desktop Wallpaper.

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Samsung LCD HDTV - Best TV in America?


Touch of Color
Beautifully design inspired by light, glass and imagination

Imaging a TV that evokes true emotion, even when nothing is playing on its screen. Samsung's Toc (Touch of Color) design gives the glossy piano black bezel frame a hint of color for an HDTV that is truly original in its beauty.

Samsung has a rich history of HDTV design innovation: from gorgeously sculpted silhouettes to the signature piano black finish. Now, we're applying an original, artistic perspective to flat panel HDTV design, drawing inspiration from the art of glassblowing...

Auto Motion Plus120Hz
LCD action has never been smoother

By calculating where moving objects would be in between the original frames, we are able to create and insert new frames to bring film up to TV speed and virtually eliminate motion blur.

Samsung's new LCD HDTVs with a 120Hz refresh rate are now capable of showing frames at 120 frames per second. Since 120 is a multiple of both 24 and 30, films with 24 fps can be played back as smoothly as they were filmed, letting you take full advantage of new technologies such as Blu-ray Disc.

Super Slim LCD
Presenting Samsung's slimmest LCD HDTV ever

What's the skinny on Samsung's new LCD HDTVs?
There's less to see, thanks to shallower cabinets and thinner bezels than previous models. Since it's all about the picture, they feature Samsung's newest HD innovations that eradicate blur and enhance contrast for magnificent details.

Full HD; slimmer TV. A mere 1.9" deep, Samsung's slimmest LCD HDTV is as much as 60 percent thinner than conventional flat-panel TVs. It's even slimmer than its remote. Place it on the pedestal or mount it nearly flush on the wall...

Infolink RSS Access
News, weather, stock quotes and more delivered straight to your HDTV

Samsung's InfoLink RSS Access makes it easy for you to stay on top of the news, even while watching your favorite programs. Get personalized, real-time weather, news, stock price quotations and more delivered to your HDTV screen from USA TODAY.

USA TODAY will push content to your TV via an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed. No PC needed, just an Ethernet cable and an Internet connection. A wireless connection is even possible on Samsung's 7 Series and above flat panel TVs. The service is no additional cost to any owner of a Samsung HDTV with the Infolink feature.


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Creation Processes of 3D Models

Creating a 3-D model takes more than just a good idea. Though it starts with the brainstorming process, the creation of a proportionate 3D model is a compilation of detailed steps, starting with a sketch-up. One the idea has been drawn out in either graph format, simple sketch drawing format, or draft depending on the project. It is then brought to the design team (often times the creative and design team are the same department) to adapt a 3D model from the initial idea.

The next step is to put the idea in digital format with the use of manual manipulation and/or advanced software. For sign and construction companies this can mean the use of programs such as auto-cad that makes it easy to calculate proportions and relativity to the surrounding objects. For creative companies like video game programmers, this means the use of 3-D modeling methods such as Polygonal, NURBS, or Spline and Patching, all of which require the placement of lines and curves over the surface area of a frame to fabricate a life-like representation of the object, creature, or person to be modeled.

Once the finished digital design has been created, it is then sent to the production area to be completed. This can mean a factory that has a way of reading the digital information and the producing the materials, a high tech piece of machinery that uses lasers or some other form of fabrication that is programmed via the specs of the information, or the same software that is used to create the model, in some instances can be hooked up to the machine, and use a mold for the final result.

Creation of a 3D Model Manually

In a world full of technology it is hard to imagine doing many of the things we do on a day to day basis without the use of the internet and software. The use of programs to assist in everyday life and the business world are crucial to the fast turn-around time demanded of most people's lives. In the industry of 3D model creation, the use of high tech software is essential to keeping up with competition in the realms of movie makers, toy factories, and corporate businesses that require structure models, but what about manual model creation?

The art of model creation began before the use of PCs and started as a relaxing hobby. The use of clay, wood, metal and other more crude objects were the first materials used to create these models, and took skill and precision to create accurate to-scale recreations. Mathematics is a large part of manual model creation, and is still required in schools that train for model creation and similar professions.

Though it is not used as often (because of the use of high tech software) basic tools and mathematics are essential to creating accurate models, and is used as a test of the model creator's true skills. Though technology is almost always faster and more precise, the art and skills involved in manual 3D model creation will always be revered as a true talent.

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Learn Digital Photography - Compact Digital Camera

Digital photography has come a long way since it was introduced. It is known that digital photography evolved from NASA program and the first truly digital camera was known to be the DS-IP developed by Fuji during 1988. Since then, manufacturers have refined their technology and introduced various cameras into the market which include the point and shoot camera you have today.

Point and shoot cameras are also known as the compact digital camera. They got the name because they were designed to be lightweight, compact and easy to use (often just point to the subject and shoot the picture). These cameras are usually affordable for the consumers as they lack the sophistication of the professional DSLR camera.

Although these cameras are the cheapest among digital cameras, manufacturers certainly don't take the consumers for granted. You can see that the manufacturers nowadays are putting more and more features into these cameras so that more people will join the hobby. This doesn't just make digital photography more enjoyable for the public but also make it worth their money.

And to make things even better, manufacturers have made compact digital camera that are able to record video and sound. Now, you can use your point and shoot camera as a camcorder, record your own video and view it on TV. Although your video quality might be less perfect than a real camcorder, it is still a good investment to get two functions with one payment.

Although compact digital cameras are fun to have, sometimes you might not find the right camera due to its frequent upgrades. Since you know that manufacturers constantly release new digital camera to the market, you should look at your need when you are choosing your camera.

When you are not planning to change your camera anytime sooner, you should get a higher end point and shoot camera so that it will last you longer. When you have no idea of how to choose your compact digital camera, you should get a professional to help. Consider the professional opinion so that you don't pay now and have to spend on a new camera a few months later.

Do you enjoy taking photos? Do you want more digital photography tips and techniques? Just visit

=> http://www.learn-digitalphotography.blogspot.com

Michael Wong is happy to share his knowledge about digital photography with you and hope you enjoy them.

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CCD in Digital Camera - Turning an Image into a Bunch of Electrons

In many digital still cameras, the image sensor capturing our photograph in place of the standard film is a CCD (charge-coupled device). How it is manufactured and what happens in it when we press the shutter release button is of interest to any good photographer, because it may contribute in taking better photos. Moreover, basics of lingo are useful for the understanding of characteristics of a camera, especially if you are going to buy one.

A pixel element of a CCD, in its simplest form, is basically a MOS capacitor, i.e. a semiconductor structure made of three layers: Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor. The semiconductor part of the MOS is simply silicon while the oxide is silicon dioxide, acting as an insulating layer. The metal is not a real metal substance, but rather a heavily doped polysilicon layer and is named "gate". Basically, the image is formed within the semiconductor part of the MOS system and the metal gate is used for shifting such image.

When we press the shutter release button on our camera, light starts hitting the silicon in the MOS structure, and hole-electron pairs are created via the photoelectric effect. While the holes are drained by the grounded substrate and not utilized, electrons are collected in the semiconductor part of the MOS. We are interested in these electrons, because they will build up our photograph. The region where electrons are collected is referred to as the "channel" and, of course, corresponds to the electron lowest potential energy. In order to get better images, basically all CCD manufacturers use the so called "buried channel structure", where the electrons are collected not at the oxide-semiconductor interface, but a little bit distant, within the semiconductor (hence the name "buried"). In order to confine the photo-generated electrons in the channel, "channel stops" are created in the MOS structure, isolating each MOS element from the adjacent ones.

The number of photoelectrons collected is linearly proportional to the intensity of the photon flux and to the time this flux hits the pixel ("integration time"). Consequently, we now know that the brighter the registered scene, the greater the number of electrons. The efficiency with which incident photons are detected is known as "quantum efficiency"; a typical value is 40%. This value is pretty low because of the absorption caused by the passivation (protection) layer present on the integrated circuit and the presence of the polysilicon gate that must be passed through by the incoming photon.

A single pixel of our digital camera is made up of a structure similar to the MOS capacitor outlined above. It's a little more complicated, though, because we don't want electrons to be confined where they are generated forever, but want to sense how many electrons have been generated. In order to accomplish this, each CCD pixel is made up of 3 parallel gates (although variations are possible) and, perpendicularly to these, a channel stop on both sides. By keeping the central electrode (gate) at a higher potential than the other two, electrons will be attracted there and so collected. The CCD is then made up of a matrix of millions of these pixels, arranged in thousands of rows and thousands of columns.

So, upon pressing the shutter release we start the acquisition phase, and this ends after the exposure time set by the photographer (typically 1/2000s to a few seconds). At this point we must read the number of electrons collected in each pixel. The greater the number of electrons, the brighter the pixel. For this purpose, a charge transfer process must take place from each pixel to a sensing circuitry. To achieve this, a shift phase occurs, exploiting the 3 gate structure described above, after which the electrons of the first row are shifted into an array of serial registers located at the edge of the CCD matrix, the second row electrons are shifted to the first row and so on. The efficiency with which the transfer process occurs is measured by a parameter called "Charge Transfer Efficiency", a typical value of which is 99.999% per pixel. The serial register shifts its content into a charge detection output amplifier one pixel at a time. The output amplifier converts the electrons' charge to a voltage. The order of magnitude is an output voltage of about 1 microvolt per electron and this is a linear relationship. The slope of this curve is referred to as the "output sensitivity" or "conversion gain". The higher the voltage, the brighter the pixel. Once all the pixels of the first row are read by the output amplifier, the shifting phase takes place again and the whole sensing process is repeated. This is so until all the pixels in the matrix are read out.

This is the end. Nothing else happens in the CCD chip. All the rest of the image processing is done off-chip. In particular the voltage read out by the CCD is first amplified and then converted into a digital value by an off-chip analog to digital converter.

Andrea Ghilardelli runs an online photo retouching service. To get your pictures beautifully retouched and for articles about photography, please visit his site: http://www.ilghila.com.

LG Electronics

The Advantages of Having a Samsung LCD TV

Liquid crystal display televisions, otherwise known as LCD, are very different from the CRT televisions that we used to have. With regard to space, LCD TVs save a lot of space because of their flat screen design which gives it the flexibility and portability that the CRT TV does not offer. LCD has features like viewing angles, high image resolution, dynamic contrast ratio, and many more that you have to discover. The price of the LCD TV in the market is affordable because there are many competitors today. You do not have to be rich in order to be able to buy an LCD TV.

There are just as many television sets being sold today, just as there are many TV manufacturers. Nowadays, the consumer is very lucky to have almost everything at the tip of his fingertips. The customer can even ask for bargain and the seller is more than willing to have him buy the products.

Now, if you are looking for a high quality yet cheap LCD TV, it is important to know the current market trend. This will help you get the great deals at a very reasonable price.

Top television manufacturers include the names Samsung and Sony. Samsung has been there and it was the one who started these high class televisions. Samsung LA40M8 is one of the best TVs in the present market. It has advanced features such as a clear panel, wide color enhancer, SRS technology, and above all, a superb picture quality. The contrast ratio of this Samsung LCD TV is simply the best.

What are you waiting for? You can now go online and search for great deals or visit your local store. When you have Samsung LCD TV, there is nothing more that you can ask for.

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