Digital Photography Tips - How to Raise and Train Your Camera - Part 1

Trust me on this. You got to look after your digital camera. No matter what type of camera it is! In my case, it's a digital thing that's as heavy as a small log, and keeps making pictures when I press the button. Do I know how to use it? Not really. I just know how to make it take photos. The rest of the details are in the manual for the technical experts to read. Me, I got work to do. Anyway, as this article is about photography tips I thought you'd like to know how to raise and train your camera.

The first thing, like all new cameras, is that you've got to feed it regularly. Now don't skip this step! It's important. You'll know when it needs to be fed. It'll calmly blink at you and eventually shut down. That means you won't be able to take any more photos. But don't worry when this happens. It's just telling you it's hungry. So, make sure you plug her in and give her a good feed. Preferably overnight.

Here's another 'training your camera' photography tip. Most new cameras will know what to do straight out of the bag, but you'll have to show them a few extra tricks as you go. Stuff like how to hang on the end of a tripod, or stay steady in an unsteady person's hands. Or how to get the red eye thing down, or stay waterproof. You get the idea, right?

Like I almost said, digital cameras usually know all this intuitively anyway. And if they don't, it's possible they're playing silly, so do be careful. Usually though they just want you to be gentle with them. A few calm words of wisdom whispered in their ear does wonders by the way. A digital camera will always listen to you...

And, oh yeah. Sometimes these digital cameras come with little guide books (also called camera manuals) about how you can teach them new digital tricks and so forth. You'd do well to read that. That'll give you more 'training your camera' photography tips than you can shake a stick at. In the meanwhile, keep training!

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(c) Martin Hurley 2008

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